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Way Off Topic For non-Foster's-related *discussions* (not spam). Posts that are religious, sexual, or political in nature will be heavily moderated. Please keep it clean!

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Old 04-26-2007, 03:07 PM   #1
pitbulllady's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: South Carolina
Posts: 2,276

I came across something extremely disturbing there today, while browsing photos. Now, most of you know I am very fond of reptiles, snakes especially, and I know that Sparky is, too. I'm also aware that many folks are afraid of them, quite needlessly for the most part. Still, even being afraid does not excuse blatant animal abuse and torture, and even more, does not excuse posting photos of it on DA as "art"!

The photo in question is by a male "artist"(just like that pycho Cho was a "writer")who calls himself "Opulance". It shows what appears to be a Yellow-Bellied Watersnake, a harmless and non-venomous species, that has been killed by having a butcher knife shoved in its mouth and down its throat, a horrible and cruel way of killing something. There is a LOT of blood splattered all of the place, indicating that the animal took a long, long time to bleed out and die, while thrashing around in agony. Snakes, by the way, have more pain receptors than we do, so they feel pain more acutely than we do, even if they cannot cry out. The photographer brags about how much he loves to hunt and kill snakes, and how he never uses a gun(which is the quickest and most humane way to dispatch a snake) because he "hates guns", and how this was his "first kill of the weekend". I have to wonder what other animals he enjoys doing this to. There is a clear and definate link between deliberate animal abuse/torture and violent behavior towards humans; nearly every serial killer either started out by torturing and killing animals first, or continued to do so while killing humans. It's one thing to kill something in self-defence, even if it was only from a perceived threat, and it's one thing to kill something that you intend to eat, but even avid hunters and farmers hate to see an animal suffer, and make every attempt to dispatch animals as quickly as possible. This guy clearly loves killing for the sake of seeing something suffer, and tries to prolong their agony for as long as possible. I submitted an abuse report using the option "Other", since there is no specific mention of animal abuse being prohibited by DA. I am pretty certain that their policy does not permit images that depict real torture and abuse of animals to be shown, though. I am asking that all of you who care the least bit about animals, or people for that matter, given the correlation between animal torture and doing the same to people, to PLEASE join me in reporting this guy, and getting him banned if at all possible!

Here is the link to the picture, and I warn you-it is VERY gory and graphic!

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