Tomorrow, the vending machine will feel my wrath, and vengeance will be mine.
The vending machine at school sells the most delectable, monstrously huge, chocolate chip cookies I have ever seen, along with corn nuts, bags of pretzels, and the like. It so happened that I had a craving for one of these cookies, so I borrowed a dollar off my friend (I need to pay her back...*runs off to get a dollar*) and headed down to the vending machine where I carefully inserted the bill and watched gleefully as the machine accepted it. I entered the code E7, which was the code for the cookie. I waited with anticipation, BUT THE COOKIE NEVER FELL. "NOOOOOO!!!!" I said, as I shook the machine. In its place was a bag of CORN NUTS, and not just any corn nuts, but BBQ FLAVORED ONES. First, corn nuts are bad for your teeth and tend to give me indigesetion. Second, foodstuffs with BBQ sauce-flavored substances give me heartburn. Third, no measly bag of corn nuts costs a dollar.
It will suffice to say that the vending machine will regret its foolish action tomorrow, yes it will.