Last night I dreamt that ORD and I went to Japan to teach some class, I got the strong impression that it was animation related. I think ORD was going to do something with computers and I was going to do more like storytelling. Anyways we hooked up with a Japanese lady at the college and a bunch of us (there were a lot of Americans at that school so we were part of the newest batch) were herded into an auditorium to watch some orientation film. Then while I was gathering up my stuff (which I had a lot of for some reason - plus I was wearing a cowboy hat! I dunno why) ORD and the lady left without waiting for me. Having no idea what room I was even supposed to be going to I found an information desk manned by American ladies and started to ask them - when another lady came up saying, "Did you see the person in the Bloo costume?" So I told them that was ORD and I was trying to go wherever he was, and they figured it out. But I woke up before I actually got to the classroom.
Last edited by Sparky; 11-04-2006 at 11:20 PM.
Reason: typo