I'm so happy. I know it's the middle of summer and I shouldn't be thinking about studying and University, but I just received the confirmation. The proof that spending the last 4 months of the last semester studying like mad with almost no breaks, writing a professional thesis of Librarianship, learning by heart 20 different subjects of 20 pages each, and sitting on a nerve-wrecking exam (both written and oral) of simultaneous translation between three languages wasn't a waste of my time.
I have a B+ diploma of Librarianship and Book History now, but, most important of all, I gained admission to Hungary's most prestigious professional translators' and interpreters' Master course (Hungarian - English - French + Italian as an extra language for me). I'm happy, that's the first step on achieving my ultimate dream to become a writer (which I already am, in a certain sense, but my English needs polishing) and translator.