Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow
Simpsons in the beginning had much shottier animation and Homer and Bart sounded very different when the show first started out. Plus, it wasn't NEARLY as funny.
Season 1 of
The Simpsons at it's worst is still infinitely funnier than the unwatchable monstrosity it has now become, if you ask me. It improved considerably during the first three seasons, reached it's peak at 4-8, declined slightly but was still great in 9-10, and mixed some good and bad in 11 before taking a complete free-fall in quality ever since.
Don't get me wrong, I'd love it if Foster's has a lengthy run with quality being consistent throughout. But I also have to be realistic, I'd rather have it finish up after two or three more seasons(Or maybe the 100th episode mark) on a high note, instead of continuing perpetually and eventually becoming a shadow of it's former self.