I went to the Journey/Cheap Trick/Heart concert last night... What a show!!! It was FANTASTIC. Best concert I'VE ever been to, hands down.
First of all, I think that we should just skip high school geometry and go to a Cheap Trick concert, because they kept switching guitars- square, rectangular, flying V, X-plorer, Strat, Les Paul- it was awesome. They even came out with a FOUR BRIDGE guitar!!! They rocked as the opening act.
Next was Heart. The keyboardist wore pigtails, and no words can state how awesome Heart was. Nancy Wilson jumped all over the stage with her guitar. I can't even play the guitar very well sitting or standing, and she was practically doing the Cotton-Eye Joe with it.
Last was Journey, and the new lead singer sounded EXACTLY like Steve Perry. He jumped better than most cheerleaders I know. They found him on YouTube, and it was AMAZING.
I'll stop gushing now. Greatest concert ever. Of course, I'm comparing this to the Chicago, Shania Twain, Backstreet Boys, and Hilary Duff (twice when I was 11) concerts I've been to before.