That is a VERY nice figure of Sailor Mercury Cass, I can only hope Sailor Jupiter and the rest of the scouts have equally nice figures.
I just recently got an anime statue figure of Mahoro Ando from the anime series "Mahoromatic" in the mail through a special DVD package I bought involving a TV special and a box set case.
I have about 7 or 8 anime figurine statuettes, whatever you want to call them so its always nice to see more. Btw, I actually still call the Sailor Scouts by their English names, to me, it's not matter of what their "real names" are or not.
I grew up with Sailor Moon's real name as Serena as such, I'm going to say it that way. To me, saying Usagi isn't "proper" since so many grew up with Sailor Moon dub, either should be accepted no matter what they are called here or there.
Last edited by Mr. Marshmallow; 12-22-2007 at 10:59 PM.