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Old 11-24-2006, 11:25 PM   #1
Foster's Legend
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Default Twenty Years down the Track...

The idea came to me a few nights ago and just now I finally put the guys down on paper. Below you'll see just what I think Goo, Mac, Terrence and Frankie will be/look like in twenty years time. There was little to no reason to draw Wilt, Eduardo, Coco and Bloo since they'd look just the same as they do now. Lucky fellas!

First up Goo. She'd be around thirty years old now, since I think she's around ten when she's in the show.
I can totally see her becoming a primary school teacher, like the first grader's or something along those lines. While she isn't as hyper or exciteable as she once was, she is still a joy for the little kids to connect with. Plus they'd love how she dresses up for the day, and her hair. I had her shoes at some point.

Onto Mac. He's now twenty eight years old.
I can see him in his final years of legal school, not to become a lawyer to be exact but his knowledge in the legal system will aid him with his future work in politics in order to give the Imaginaries of the country a bigger voice. It just feels like something that he would do, he's a super smart kid after all. He'd manage to pass a bill or two.

Now Terrence. He's thirty three.
Terrence never did brighten up any more as he got older, unfortunately. In and out of jail a few times, he manages to straighten up long enough to get himself a job as a 'truckie'. That is, he's behind the wheel of a large eighteen wheeler going interstate for a job. I'd stay off the roads.

Lastly Frankie, now around forty three-four.
Even if her grandmother is sadly no longer with her and she was finally given the oportunity to move onto bigger and possibly better things what with her degree in whatever she had, Frankie chose to stay on at Foster's. Whilst Mr. Herriman is indeed still there, she now legally owns the house. Still caring for Imaginaries great and small, she has come to love her work more then she did before.

So yeah. Just an idea.
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