Message to everyone who posted on the second fat frankie thread.
Sparky: I'm not revolted by fat people. The only person I am revolted with being fat is Frankie.
Cassini0125: OK you refreshed my memory that helped actully and you kinda helped me alot by moving my post's to other sections since I am not very good at knowing where to put posts/threads.
Natty: OK. I will click the back button if I don't like people's art.
All: I am really sorry about this. If this "fat frankie" buisness ticks you off, then I will not post anything. You see, Frankie is one of the most beutiful characters ever in my life. And I hate to be so embarrased by fat images of frankie. You see, I'm not a child but I have something called Asperger Syndrome. You may not know what that is, but I can give you a wikapedia link if you don't understand. I got to go and ask a question now that I don't think will bug you kthnxbye.
Last edited by PeterFoster111; 07-27-2009 at 11:24 AM.