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Old 12-07-2007, 12:48 PM   #31
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FINALLY got to see this ep tonight. I thought it was funny. %B I agree with Dragonrider--the mice thing made me laugh when I saw it. XD Frankie's ANGREEEE expressions had me laughing a few times as well, as did her disguise, and her stunned expression when she realized that Goofball actually WAS an IF.

Bloo was funny too, of course. "Where did all these new friends come from? I gotta' go tell Goofgoof!"

I did feel sorry for Frankie at two points though: the scene where she scrubs hall after hall looking rather sad, and the scene where GOOFBALL WAKES UP THE BABY IFs. GAAAAAAAAAH! I could totally feel her pain there. It is HECK to get little kids to sleep, and it's even worse when they wake up too early, 'cuz for the most part they don't go back to sleep. D: I had to deal with something similar to this today at work, with one kid waking up and then waking all the other kids up during nap time.

I missed two parts of this episode: the very beginning (came in at the part with Mr. Herriman asking Frankie when she last mopped the floor) and the credit sequence, which got cut out. >_O Anyone mind filling me in as to what happened?

EDIT: Woah, when did I get 101 posts? oo

Last edited by BabyCharmander; 12-07-2007 at 12:56 PM.
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Old 12-07-2007, 03:18 PM   #32
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While this is not one of my favorite episodes, and I do feel sorry for Frankie, it isn't entirely Goofball's fault. Goofball was behaving no worse than Bloo - less so, if you look at how often he was nice to her. He gets flak because "He hurt Frankie," not because of anythign else. Keep in mind that all he saw was a certifiably insane employee constantly raving that he isn't an Imaginary Friend when absolutely everybody else recognized him for what he was. He didn't have all of the extra-show knowledge we do.

I agree that Frankie doesn't deserve the garbage she always goes through. I think I see the point of the episode, but it wasn't developed well enough. The key is in the beginning, when she's gloating and charging Bloo for every time he's "wrong" on anything, including small grammatical mistakes. If they had spent more time showing her doing things like that, the episode - which was entirely about Frankie being wrong in something - would not have seemed so terrible. On one side, she could have solved it all by politely asking Goofball about his nose in front of everyone else, and THEN getting belligerant if he tried dodging. Instead, she went "GRRARRGH ME SMASH!" and jumped for him.

The purpose of the episode wasn't, "Hahaha! Isn't it funny when Frankie's tortured!" It wasn't, "Goofball is HITLER!" What it was meant to be was, "Hey, kids. Don't gloat about always being right, or thigns will crash down upon your head." They didn't spend enough time showing Frankie gloating and charging Bloo - a few more examples of bloo having to pay money for grammar or spelling might have been appropriate.

Last edited by Ridureyu; 12-07-2007 at 03:19 PM.
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Old 12-07-2007, 03:23 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by BabyCharmander View Post
FINALLY got to see this ep tonight. I thought it was funny. %B I agree with Dragonrider--the mice thing made me laugh when I saw it. XD Frankie's ANGREEEE expressions had me laughing a few times as well, as did her disguise, and her stunned expression when she realized that Goofball actually WAS an IF.

Bloo was funny too, of course. "Where did all these new friends come from? I gotta' go tell Goofgoof!"

I did feel sorry for Frankie at two points though: the scene where she scrubs hall after hall looking rather sad, and the scene where GOOFBALL WAKES UP THE BABY IFs. GAAAAAAAAAH! I could totally feel her pain there. It is HECK to get little kids to sleep, and it's even worse when they wake up too early, 'cuz for the most part they don't go back to sleep. D: I had to deal with something similar to this today at work, with one kid waking up and then waking all the other kids up during nap time.

I missed two parts of this episode: the very beginning (came in at the part with Mr. Herriman asking Frankie when she last mopped the floor) and the credit sequence, which got cut out. >_O Anyone mind filling me in as to what happened?

EDIT: Woah, when did I get 101 posts? oo
The credit sequence is Bloo trying to get a book off of a high book shelf by climbing up the shelf like a cat going up a tree, and him and Frankie having another quarter bet that this endeavor will end badly. Bloo insists he can climb up with no problem; Frankie says he's gonna fall. He does indeed fall, toppling all the books on top of him, and hands Frankie another quarter for her jar from underneath the stack of books. The beginning scene is Bloo messing around with Mac's chemistry set, Frankie telling him that mixing two chemicals is a bad idea, him scoffing at her-and the stuff blowing up and sending this awful green glop everywhere. That's why Mr. H accused Frankie of not having mopped the foyer. Bloo and Frankie apparently had this running bet that whenever something Bloo did ended badly due to his misjudgement and ignoring Frankie's advice, Bloo had to pay her a quarter. If HE turned out right, she owed HIM a quarter. Frankie's gallon jar was full of quarters, so it was obvious who was right most of the time.

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Old 12-07-2007, 03:25 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Ridureyu View Post
He gets flak because "He hurt Frankie," not because of anythign else.
I don't need anything else.

Originally Posted by Ridureyu View Post
Keep in mind that all he saw was a certifiably insane employee constantly raving that he isn't an Imaginary Friend when absolutely everybody else recognized him for what he was.
Which he could have put an end to by taking off that damn rubber nose.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.
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Old 12-07-2007, 04:19 PM   #35
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The problem is that they tried to show Frankie doing something negative, but really didn't do an adequate job of it. If they had, the whole episode would have been different. In this case, it's the fault of the writers for not being clear enough on what they wanted to do. Basically, Frankie spent most of the episode acting like Bloo, Goofball acted like Bloo, and Bloo acted like Eduardo.

...But Goofball himself wasn't the problem as much as it was a "The universe hates Frankie" day.
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Old 12-07-2007, 04:29 PM   #36
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Ridureyu: I wrote a long, waffly mini-analysis of this episode nearly a year ago in the old, locked, abandoned Goofball topic*, but you've summarised my feelings on this episode there in an infinitely more concise manner; I don't believe that the intent of the episode is mean-spirited, just that the execution is very flawed. For any of the comedy in this episode to work, the audience needs to feel two things: a) that Goofball's antics are funny enough to outweigh their initial apprent maliciousness, and b) that Frankie is acting/has acted in an unreasonable enough way to warrant a comeuppance. If you look at the script, delivery and episode structure, you can see clear evidence of attempts to sell both of these concepts, but they've either been underdeveloped or badly written, so we feel neither, causing the whole episode to come crashing down; Frankie comes across as a mistreated innocent, Goofball as an maddening dimwit, and the episode as a deeply irritating 22-minute ordeal rather than the fun comedy it was supposed to be.

*EDIT: I just realised that this sounds like a line from a (somewhat surreal) cheesy horror movie.
"Don't you kids go explorin' that old, abandoned Goofball topic! There's evil spirits in thar!"
Well, well, well; if it isn't...
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Last edited by Ditchy McAbandonpants; 12-07-2007 at 04:32 PM.
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Old 12-07-2007, 04:53 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by pitbulllady View Post
The credit sequence is Bloo trying to get a book off of a high book shelf by climbing up the shelf like a cat going up a tree, and him and Frankie having another quarter bet that this endeavor will end badly. Bloo insists he can climb up with no problem; Frankie says he's gonna fall. He does indeed fall, toppling all the books on top of him, and hands Frankie another quarter for her jar from underneath the stack of books. The beginning scene is Bloo messing around with Mac's chemistry set, Frankie telling him that mixing two chemicals is a bad idea, him scoffing at her-and the stuff blowing up and sending this awful green glop everywhere. That's why Mr. H accused Frankie of not having mopped the foyer. Bloo and Frankie apparently had this running bet that whenever something Bloo did ended badly due to his misjudgement and ignoring Frankie's advice, Bloo had to pay her a quarter. If HE turned out right, she owed HIM a quarter. Frankie's gallon jar was full of quarters, so it was obvious who was right most of the time.

Thanks, pitbulllady! I was wondering where the jar of quarters came from. (I thought it might've been mentioned in an ep I hadn't seen yet.)
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Old 01-01-2008, 11:48 AM   #38
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I disliked this episode, not necessarily so much because of its treatment of Frankie as much as I simply didn't think of it as a good episode. Goofball was, in my mind, simply an annoying character who tried to be Bloo and failed.

I'm certain I'll be lynched for saying this, but I'm saying it anyway: both Frankie and Goofball were responsible for the hell Frankie went through. While I don't dislike Frankie (she's a good character, and I tend to honestly be somewhat more sympathetic to her than anything), she was still overly reactionary for SOME of the events. It never occured to her to simply ask Goofball to take his rubber noise off (I think; I could be wrong on this, as I haven't seen the episode in a bit), and instead she tried to get it off by force. She ultimately ended up dressing herself up as an imaginary friend (and giving her money to Mac in order to get him to keep quiet, which was probably more reactionary and something she wouldn't have needed to have done), which was a stretch and overexaggeration. While it made sense to her, she was under so much stress at the moment that she simply ended up overreacting. Not that it excuses her for overreacting.

Goofball is hardly innocent, however. He is either 1) incredibly stupid, 2) genuinely malicious, or 3) simply horrifically ignorant. He doesn't care about what he does or how his actions may effect other people. Anyone, and not just Frankie, would have had their tolerance pushed to the limit if they had to deal with him, and especially by the fact that he's incapable of telling why Frankie seems to genuinely dislike him. He's more responsible for the events that occur as the cause, but Frankie is still somewhat to blame for the way she handles it.

Those are my thoughts for the moment, at least.

Last edited by Nathander; 01-01-2008 at 05:51 PM.
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Old 01-02-2008, 02:53 PM   #39
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I like to believe that he is 1 and 3. If he was 2, I'd be more annoyed at him *cough! Bendy! cough!*
Unconscious like a fox!
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Old 01-06-2008, 03:56 AM   #40
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I like the episode. It wasn't the best episode but it was funny. The best parts were the mice gag that was previously mentioned and Frankie in the long queue. In my opinion Goofball wasn't evil and he didn't mean to ruin Frankie's day. He was just stupid. This episode wasn't the ultimate traumatizing experience some people have said it to be. It's just a cartoon and the writers have the right to do anything they want with their characters.
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