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Old 07-23-2007, 04:30 PM   #1
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Default ReBoot Rebooted? CGI Series Makes Unlikely Return

I was a huge fan of this show back in the 90s. I remember being hooked on it the moment a clip was shown on a Friday night special featuring various members of the now cancelled TGIF brand. I can hardly contain my excitement and I can only hope they do this right.

"ReBoot" -- one of the earliest computer-animated episodic TV series -- will be redeveloped as a trilogy of feature-length films by Rainmaker Animation.

Originally produced in 1994, the series was created by MainFrame Entertainment, which was acquired by and renamed Rainmaker in 2006. "ReBoot" aired for several seasons on ABC, YTV and Cartoon Network.

"The idea is to relaunch the brand in a new way," said Rainmaker Animation executive vp Paul Gertz, who will oversee the project.

To do this, Rainmaker has entered into a strategic alliance with Zeros 2 Heroes, a Web site set to launch today(7/23) to provide a social network for comic book fans.

Essentially, five undiscovered writers identified by Rainmaker were selected to work with the animation studio's production teams to prepare a pitch for the new "ReBoot" story line. These will be posted on the Zeros 2 Heroes site Thursday, the opening day of San Diego Comic-Con International. Those who visit the site will be able to work with each production team to help refine the ideas for "ReBoot" and later vote and select a favorite pitch. The brainstorming environment is what the site calls "Think Ups."

The Zeros 2 Heroes online viewer will feature Web 2.0 applications. The audience will be able to interact with the content on a variety of levels, including tagging, rating, reviewing, blogging and chatting. They also will be able to submit their own fan art.

A Web-based comic, based on the selected story, will be published this year. Production on the features will commence at that time.

" 'ReBoot's' legions of fans have been incredibly loyal and continue to keep the property alive on dozens of fan sites," Gertz said. "We're very enthusiastic about how we're reconceiving this classic series by creating an innovative way for those fans -- who were kids when the series started -- to use new technology to help guide us."

Zeros 2 Heroes president Matt Toner sees the Internet as a democratizing medium. "It takes away gatekeepers," he said. "We want to connect the fans with the producers ... and let them determine what the next hits will be. When it comes to long-standing genre entertainment properties, the fans are the real experts."

Rainmaker Entertainment CEO Warren Franklin said "ReBoot" was MainFrame's most well-known property. " 'ReBoot' was the first (brand) that we wanted to launch; there may be other properties," he said.

Projects in production at Rainmaker Animation include the company's first computer-animated feature, "Escape From Planet Earth."

So went the article in the Hollywood Reporter. Let's keep our fingers crossed, fellow fans.
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Old 07-23-2007, 06:22 PM   #2
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huh. I used to watch it, doubt i would if it came on again, but interesting nontheless.
Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?
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Old 07-24-2007, 07:04 PM   #3
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I watched this show religiously as a kid. But I don't know if it could grab attention like it did before. As far as I know, the plot for the original series is in limbo due to an "I'm back!" villain reintroduction episode which happened to be the last (as far as I know).
The fact that the man who voiced the main villain, Mega-bite, past away. And the whole idea of the show may come off as very dated now. Computers and games have become so mainstream these days that Reboot may lack that wow factor it had to the less technically inclined.
But Reboot does have a lot of potential. The series was able to build a very large, epic, and even believable mythos that, if used to its full potential by these new writers, could recapture the imagination of the world again. I'm looking forward to this and I'll try and keep my eye on its progression now that it's been brought to my attention. Thanks Monk.
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Old 07-24-2007, 10:30 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Medikor View Post
The fact that the man who voiced the main villain, Mega-bite, past away. And the whole idea of the show may come off as very dated now.
Whoa, Tony Jay is dead? DAMN!!! This sucks, I had no idea, this REALLY freaking sucks. I mean I grew up loving the villains this guy voiced. He's played an excellent number of bad guys (mostly from Disney) but still.

He's Shere Khan, Frollo, Wraith (Mighty Ducks), Bardon Mordo (Spider man animated series), Virgil (Mighty Max), Chairface Chippendale (The Tick) and of course Megabyte. Man this seriously pisses me off.

I really liked him and now it's totally bugging me knowing such a great villain voice and actor died .
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Old 07-25-2007, 06:36 AM   #5
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I would love to see this show remade. I watched it nonstop. I hope it won't suck.
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Old 07-26-2007, 08:58 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow View Post
I really liked him and now it's totally bugging me knowing such a great villain voice and actor died .
It is a shame. While no one can replace him, someone will have to take over as Mega-bite. The only man I can think of that could give the same sense of terrifying sophistication would be David Kaye.
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