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Old 05-31-2008, 01:38 PM   #31
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Yesterday I was sanding outside a Winners store wearing one of my Fosters shirts waiting for my mom to come out and a girl walked by and said she liked my shirt.

No one ever recognizes my shirts XD (unless it's at a con!)
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Old 06-06-2008, 09:17 AM   #32
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No one seems to notice when I wear my Foster's shirt in public, maybe a lot people around where I live don't know about Foster's.

Reminds me of one time when my brother-in-law thought that there might be one of the season DVDs at a store in the electronics area and we asked one of the staff and he said "I've never even heard of the show."
"Mac-a-lacka, so glad you could make it."

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Old 06-24-2008, 08:51 PM   #33
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This doesn't really involve me, but it was kind of cool. While getting gas today, I saw a teenage girl waiting at the bus stop on the curb 50 or so feet away. I noticed right away she was wearing a Hot Topic hoodie (it's funny how I think most of us can spot a HT hoodie now a mile away just by the designs on it and the way it's cut), and it looked like it might be one of the Foster's ones. As I pumped my gas, I kept watching her, waiting for her to turn around so I could see the front of it (I was kind of expecting to see Berry). After topping my tank off and getting ready to get back into the drivers seat, I suddenly noticed the purse she had hung on her shoulder. It was one of the Bloo tote bags, with the stripes and hearts on one side, and a big silly lovable Blooregard on the other. I was so fixated on her hoodie I hadn't noticed her purse! I thought it was kind of funny, and also cool. I almost approached her to tell her how "awesome" her purse is, show her the lip balm in my pocket, my cell phone charms and the Bloo keychain I have hooked to my purse. But she was talking on her cell phone, so I didn't say anything.

And to end, I don't think her hoodie was a Foster's one, but she was obviously a fan of HT.
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Old 07-19-2008, 08:17 PM   #34
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Eh, double post. But I can't really think of anywhere else to share this. Unless I start a thread for "Random Foster's Experiences" or something.

My sister, whom I love dearly, recorded herself playing the Foster's theme on the piano, while saying "Sister's calling!" in a very Cheese like manner, and set it as her ring tone when my number calls her phone. She let me hear it today, along with a friend of hers from church (who sadly has no idea what the show is all about). It sounds so awesome, lol!!

So whenever I call her cell phone from my cell phone, everyone around her will hear this.

Last edited by Lynnie; 07-19-2008 at 08:18 PM.
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Old 07-19-2008, 08:43 PM   #35
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Wow, what a great sister!
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Old 07-20-2008, 08:44 AM   #36
Equus Reptilicus
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Originally Posted by Lynnie View Post
My sister, whom I love dearly, recorded herself playing the Foster's theme on the piano
That's awesome.

Heh, I got this sudden urge to learn the piano.
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Old 09-24-2008, 10:19 AM   #37
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Recently wore my "I'm a lover, not a sucker!" shirt to the discotheque, and had a lot of fun reactions to it, even from people that don't know the show (most people don't wear shirts with images to the disco) !!

And what are the odds... on that night, I've met the guy I now call 'boyfriend' and he's obsessed with Foster's, especially Coco!
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Old 09-24-2008, 04:06 PM   #38
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A girl (I forget her name) in my Science class owns the HT Wilt and Coco shirts. She's really nice

Last edited by Nyo; 09-25-2008 at 06:05 PM.
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Old 09-24-2008, 10:33 PM   #39
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Wonder why I never posted this sooner...

There was a girl in my home ec class last year who had the Cheese "Gotta go!" shirt from HT, and I always told her how much I like that shirt (and the show in general ).

A few months after I got my own Cheese shirt (Torrid's "I like chocolate milk" one), I was walking through the grocery store, where aforementioned girl works as a cashier. She took one look at my shirt and announced, "OMG [just not in chatspeak], you have a Cheese shirt! So awesome!"

I was pleased for another couple of minutes.

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Old 10-16-2008, 05:05 PM   #40
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Tuesday night I had to work the overnight shift to help with inventory, and one of the plus sides (along with a relaxed atmosphere, no customers, and a lot of yummy food to snack on all night) was that we could wear whatever we wanted. Some even showed up in their pajamas. Me though, I wore sweat pants and my Deo shirt, with a fleece cardigan over it (I kept the cardigan open in the front). I got a total of three compliments on my Deo shirt throughout the night. First was by a new girl whom I had the pleasure to train a few weeks ago and would say I'm pretty good friends with now. She said "Aww, I love your shirt, that's so cute!" She didn't even know it was a show, she just thought it was cute that a stick of deodorant had eyes and two blue arms. I explained to her about the show, sadly she doesn't have cable so she doesn't expect to see it any time soon (pshh, not that CN's been airing it lately, but anyway).

Second compliment was by a college age guy, who is also good friends with me because we both like cartoons. He saw my shirt and asked "Is that from that cartoon you like about the friendly monsters?" I told him that they're imaginary friends, and he said "Oh yeah that's right, I remember seeing it with my younger brother once. It was funny!" And for the record, he was wearing a Pokemon shirt and basketball shorts, which he admitted he sleeps in so he was one of the people who wore their pajamas.

Third, well, maybe it wasn't so much a compliment, but it was from my boss. She looked at it and asked "What's that suppose to be?" She knows I love cartoons and I said it was from my favorite cartoon. She still gave me a strange look, and I went on to explain that the little character on my shirt was dressed as a deodorant stick because he was the spokesperson/mascot for the deodorant ads in one episode. And she said "Ah, ok," and laughed at my weirdness. I got back at her later though when she admitted she doesn't like chocolate, I told her she was weird. Then she said "Yeah. I don't like ice cream either." And I said "Ok, now you're really weird!" Eh, it was such a relaxed atmosphere and we were all having fun I could get away with that (inventory is fun really! At least it is at my place). But anyway, it was a great night, and I loved being a walking billboard for my favorite show.
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