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Old 02-19-2008, 09:36 PM   #1
Diamond Duchess
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Default Bloo's journey to Jimmy Rane

This is something I'd like to mention here at Never Forgotten: I am in the process of filling out an application for the Jimmy Rane Foundation Scholarship. A required portion of the form includes an essay describing which person (real or fictional) the applicant would like to embark on a lengthy road trip with.

Guess what? I've chosen Mr. Blooregard Q. Kazoo to join me on this hypothetical trip, meaning that I'll have written an essay detailing why I chose him for the honor. I felt this was relevant to other forms of Foster's involvement, so here it is.

P.S. The essay will be available for viewing soon, for those who are curious.
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Old 02-23-2008, 08:25 PM   #2
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Cool! I look forward to reading it! I wouldn't choose to be cramped in a car with Bloo for weeks in any circumstances, so i look forward to seeing you justify that!
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Old 02-25-2008, 08:30 PM   #3
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This sounds great! I wish I could fill out a scholarship like this. Let us know when you get the essay up-- I'm looking forward to reading it!

(God, a road trip with Bloo... Bring earplugs and Tylennol-- it's gonna be loooooooong trip.)

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Old 03-09-2008, 06:48 PM   #4
Diamond Duchess
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Because I have nothing else to post about at the moment: Here's the essay I submitted for all those curious people out there. It's a bit lengthy, though. (It was for the long essay section)

The ride would go like this: Fair, verdant countryside flashing through our eyes as a vehicle lags along, or subdued, dismal plains passing through as we moved along. In spite of the weather's drabness (or loveliness), and despite the extensive length of the journey, with my fellow traveler alongside me, our trip would seem like infinity condensed into the span of mere minutes. Our prevailing, powerful wits battling at hand, the volleying of worldly adventures and tales and the singing of silly songs with my companion keeps us entertained, and keeps me from succumbing to boredom/irritation at the situation.

Realistically, when one embarks on a lengthy trip along the paved back of an American highway, there is usually no choice in selecting passengers, and one must cohabitate with whomever has been chosen/forced to accompany him or herself on the ride. Ideally, one would select a desirable person to join them on this sort of expedition: A person who they feel is engaging and enjoyable. In selecting a candidate with these qualities in mind, I would choose a fictional character named Blooregard Q. Kazoo to join me in my trip, due to his sharp, silly sense of humor and adventurous, playful nature.

Blooreagard (nicknamed Bloo) is one of the main characters on an animated series called Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends which airs on Cartoon Network. He is well known for his mischievous, light-hearted and creative temperament, which leads him into many impulsive and exciting situations alongside his close friends.

I believe I would get along well with Mr. Kazoo because I share parts of his personality: I see myself as imaginative, witty and playful. However, Bloo mirrors qualities that are not especially prevalent in myself, such as impulsiveness and a rougish nature. While he can be somewhat annoying, due to the aforementioned qualities, I still see him as a fun, endearing person who I would like to spend time with.

With Bloo, I think our time on the road would be spent wonderfully joking about our lives, close friends and whatever happens to surface during our conversations. We would tell each other stories covering those grand adventures throughout our lives, and I would vicariously plant myself in his existence while he did the same. We would sing, and shout, and scream (as children do) and let ourselves fade from the flawed world into a light, cheerful being created by the whimsy and exhilaration of kinship. In Bloo, my elected companion for this trip, I see a clear, yet slightly distorted mirror of myself, what I am and what I am not.

In his lucid form, regarding the journey, I view Bloo as a rather fashionable friend of the bosom and a thrill to be around. In other terms, however, he is partially myself, at least what I like to see in myself. Despite these opposing concepts; ultimately, my ideal traveling companion was intended to amuse me and make a lengthy road trip sudden and bearable. With that in mind, Blooregard Q. Kazoo fits the qualifications nicely, which is why I would choose him to accompany myself on the trip, simply put.

Last edited by Diamond Duchess; 03-09-2008 at 06:48 PM.
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Old 03-12-2008, 08:48 PM   #5
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Old 12-26-2016, 03:48 AM   #6
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