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Old 07-12-2007, 02:33 PM   #551
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I came up with this one today. XD

I Love Earth!

Title Card Sound: Happy Wildlife

Summery: Getting a nasty bonk on the head causes Wilt to believe that he is actually some sort of '60s hippy, and goes all hippy-style, from feeling "PeaceLoveandUnderstanding", at almost all times, to not playing sports anymore, and to refusing to eat meat of any kind. At first Bloo just thinks it's just a prank Wilt's trying to pull, but soon, things get out of hand. Who's gonna be able to snap Wilt back to his "I'm modern and a Sportsman" senses?

-For the second time, and mostly throughout the episode, Wilt's feet is seen as bare.
-Mac doesn't solve the problem in this episode.
-Wilt shows his love to wild animals.

Wilt: Peace, Love, and Understanding, THAT'S what makes the world go round!
Bloo: No, I make the world go round!
Wilt: Frankie, what is that?
Frankie: What do you mean "What is that"? It's STEAK. You should know PERFECTLY wha-
Wilt: *gasp* Frankie, howcouldyou??
Frankie: ...What-?
Wilt: Those poor COWS!!
Coco: (I'm concerned.)
Wilt: For what reason?
Coco: (Well....It's just....not like you to not do your regular exercise routine today. Why is that?)
Wilt: Sports and exercise just doesn't cut it for me anymore, you see, it can make you all tired and stinky and sweaty. But I'm more of a laid-back, relaxed friend now.)
Coco: ( other're lazy?)

....Yes, I'm proven to be crazy.

Last edited by antgirl1; 07-12-2007 at 05:44 PM.
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Old 07-12-2007, 08:38 PM   #552
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Originally Posted by antgirl1 View Post
I came up with this one today. XD

I Love Earth!

Title Card Sound: Happy Wildlife

Summery: Getting a nasty bonk on the head causes Wilt to believe that he is actually some sort of '60s hippy, and goes all hippy-style, from feeling "PeaceLoveandUnderstanding", at almost all times, to not playing sports anymore, and to refusing to eat meat of any kind. At first Bloo just thinks it's just a prank Wilt's trying to pull, but soon, things get out of hand. Who's gonna be able to snap Wilt back to his "I'm modern and a Sportsman" senses?

-For the second time, and mostly throughout the episode, Wilt's feet is seen as bare.
-Mac doesn't solve the problem in this episode.
-Wilt shows his love to wild animals.

Wilt: Peace, Love, and Understanding, THAT'S what makes the world go round!
Bloo: No, I make the world go round!
Wilt: Frankie, what is that?
Frankie: What do you mean "What is that"? It's STEAK. You should know PERFECTLY wha-
Wilt: *gasp* Frankie, howcouldyou??
Frankie: ...What-?
Wilt: Those poor COWS!!
Coco: (I'm concerned.)
Wilt: For what reason?
Coco: (Well....It's just....not like you to not do your regular exercise routine today. Why is that?)
Wilt: Sports and exercise just doesn't cut it for me anymore, you see, it can make you all tired and stinky and sweaty. But I'm more of a laid-back, relaxed friend now.)
Coco: ( other're lazy?)

....Yes, I'm proven to be crazy.
That's a great episode idea you got there. I could imagine that being part of the Foster's show. Good job!
See ya!
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Old 07-18-2007, 06:45 AM   #553
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Originally Posted by antgirl1 View Post
I came up with this one today. XD

I Love Earth!

Title Card Sound: Happy Wildlife

Summery: Getting a nasty bonk on the head causes Wilt to believe that he is actually some sort of '60s hippy, and goes all hippy-style, from feeling "PeaceLoveandUnderstanding", at almost all times, to not playing sports anymore, and to refusing to eat meat of any kind. At first Bloo just thinks it's just a prank Wilt's trying to pull, but soon, things get out of hand. Who's gonna be able to snap Wilt back to his "I'm modern and a Sportsman" senses?

-For the second time, and mostly throughout the episode, Wilt's feet is seen as bare.
-Mac doesn't solve the problem in this episode.
-Wilt shows his love to wild animals.

Wilt: Peace, Love, and Understanding, THAT'S what makes the world go round!
Bloo: No, I make the world go round!
Wilt: Frankie, what is that?
Frankie: What do you mean "What is that"? It's STEAK. You should know PERFECTLY wha-
Wilt: *gasp* Frankie, howcouldyou??
Frankie: ...What-?
Wilt: Those poor COWS!!
Coco: (I'm concerned.)
Wilt: For what reason?
Coco: (Well....It's just....not like you to not do your regular exercise routine today. Why is that?)
Wilt: Sports and exercise just doesn't cut it for me anymore, you see, it can make you all tired and stinky and sweaty. But I'm more of a laid-back, relaxed friend now.)
Coco: ( other're lazy?)

....Yes, I'm proven to be crazy.
You're making me laugh!
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Old 07-22-2007, 05:24 PM   #554
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Title Card Sound: corny medieval musics

When Mac overhears a group of kids of a popular game that everyone is interested in, he decided to check out the game for himself. But soon, he likes the game so much, he suddenly become addicted to it. Bloo and the gang, meanwhile, becomes concerned of him and tries to find ways to get him un-hooked from the game.
See ya!

Last edited by emperor26; 07-22-2007 at 05:24 PM.
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Old 07-25-2007, 09:30 PM   #555
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Title Card Sound: Transforming sound from the Transformers cartoon

Mac's imagination gets the better of him when he finds out that he's just imagined a transforming robot. What's worse, it won't listen to Mac and goes on a rampage towards town! Mac must then imagine another transforming robot and join forces with Bloo to stop the rampaging robot!
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Old 07-25-2007, 10:51 PM   #556
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That sounds a little like something Goo would be more likely to do, but that may be your point (or perhaps you simply don't like Goo. It's understandable). With some work, I could see this as an actual episode, which (and no offence, you guys) is a rarity in this thread.
Unconscious like a fox!
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Old 07-26-2007, 05:34 AM   #557
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Diner Clash

Title Card Sounds: Foods being cook

When Frankie suggests to open a resteraunt in order to expand Foster's to Mr. Herriman, he surprisingly agrees upon the idea. At first, it seems to work, but faces real competition when another resteraunt opens, and the competition soon becomes ugly.
See ya!
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Old 12-03-2007, 04:00 PM   #558
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A long Good Trip.

music start: bloo crying

When everyone in the house forgot bloo's birthday, bloo take the disition to going out the house to a new place where he's respect...
Frankie and the guys go to stop him, but in the trip they lost bloo's way and found a young man, who is 23. He saw a little blue imaginary friend in a car, whit this informations the group ( days later found bloo).
the new guy stay in the house now, helping and trying to conquist frankie's heart...

Mac- That guy is an idiot
Frankie- NO! he's great, and HOT
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Old 12-03-2007, 04:12 PM   #559
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Well, well, looks like an mega bump. Anyway,

Dine Upon Danger
title card sound: Motorcycles revving up.

A daredevil comes to Willson Way, doing a show just for supporting the home. Like Bloo would, after seeing the daredevil, he wants to be one himself. After repeatdly jumping over the Foster's bus, he plans on using the bus to jump over the house and through a flaming hoop. After hearing this, the gang becomsed obsesed with keeping Bloo from doing such.
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Old 12-03-2007, 04:15 PM   #560
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Inspired by the recent passing of Evel Knievel?

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.

Last edited by Cassini90125; 12-03-2007 at 04:15 PM. Reason: Corrected spelling error.
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