They did not give much notice. I have until the middle of July to migrate all of both the fosters-home website and my other site theneitherworld as well as this forum database to a new host. I may not be able to. I wouldn't be surprised if I cannot afford to host this site with its forum database anymore, not to mention I haven't worked on mysql or whatnot in many years and I do not remember how to do a lot of stuff. This vbulletin is an old outdated version and I cannot afford to upgrade to a newer one, and if I did I would not know how to make all the mods and things we use here work with another version. I am fighting cancer now and can no longer spend hours on my computer.
What I am saying is, I may need to discontinue this forum if not the entire Foster's site. Our current hosting service ends July 14.
edit: Everything has been migrated to the new server and should be working correctly. If anybody spots any errors on the website or forum please do let me know.