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View Poll Results: How do you rate the movie?
A 35 92.11%
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Old 12-12-2008, 11:52 AM   #161
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12 A's!!! Yeah, it rocked. I LOVED it.
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Old 12-12-2008, 05:12 PM   #162
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Of course I'm going to jump on the bandwagon and give it an A for obvious reasons. I don't know if anything can top it,'s by far the best episode the Foster's crew has made, in my opinion.
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Old 12-13-2008, 08:50 PM   #163
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OMG... Just finished watching it now (Man I'm late! D=) It was... Amazing. Just beautiful. The contract at the end was the best though! Yay for Frankie! We all knew she deserved it and now the characters know it too ^^
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Old 12-15-2008, 02:28 AM   #164
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I think it appears that Imaginary Friends are essentially created from very, very simple concepts. While it is possible that some might be able to emotionally mature, it's not only very difficult, but impossible in many cases - for example, try as he might, Mr. Herriman always reverts to his basic uptight state. This new friend, similar to Berry, is an example of what happens when a friend is created from a particularly Strong emotion or concept, and is not provided with what it needs to finish developing itself. Thus, loneliness becomes possessiveness and violence, just as Herriman's regard for the rules becomes OCD-level insanity, or Bloo's personality becomes nearly-solipsistic selfishness. Essentially, the toybox face and Herriman are very similar, only they are different kinds of extremes. Both of them are dangerous in their own way, but imagine if, say, one with Berry's level of problems had the new friend's abilities.

Kind of disturbing, isn't it?

Last edited by Ridureyu; 12-15-2008 at 02:34 AM.
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Old 12-15-2008, 02:53 AM   #165
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Originally Posted by Ridureyu View Post
I think it appears that Imaginary Friends are essentially created from very, very simple concepts. While it is possible that some might be able to emotionally mature, it's not only very difficult, but impossible in many cases - for example, try as he might, Mr. Herriman always reverts to his basic uptight state. This new friend, similar to Berry, is an example of what happens when a friend is created from a particularly Strong emotion or concept, and is not provided with what it needs to finish developing itself. Thus, loneliness becomes possessiveness and violence, just as Herriman's regard for the rules becomes OCD-level insanity, or Bloo's personality becomes nearly-solipsistic selfishness. Essentially, the toybox face and Herriman are very similar, only they are different kinds of extremes. Both of them are dangerous in their own way, but imagine if, say, one with Berry's level of problems had the new friend's abilities.

Kind of disturbing, isn't it?
I have OCD. I think that "insanity" is rather a strong word. Ditto for "dangerous".

As for Mr. H, I don't know...keeping in mind that I've still yet to see this particular episode (yeah, I know, I'm a bit behind), from what I have seen he's never really struck me as an obsessive compulsive disorder sufferer. I think that he's just very fussy and uptight myself, which isn't exactly the same thing.

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Last edited by jekylljuice; 12-15-2008 at 05:52 AM.
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Old 12-15-2008, 01:23 PM   #166
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Sorry, let me rephrase:

"insanity" in that every single friend is insane.

"OCD" as in severe clinical Obsessive-compulsive disorder, the kind that precludes most functioning in society.
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Old 12-15-2008, 08:02 PM   #167
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For those who don't already know, DI is re-airing this Sunday at 7, as CN's Sunday Flicks next week. There's a new ad showing for the movie too.
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Old 12-16-2008, 09:46 AM   #168
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Originally Posted by Ridureyu View Post
"OCD" as in severe clinical Obsessive-compulsive disorder, the kind that precludes most functioning in society.
I guess that's part of my issue...what you're describing there is a rather narrow and extreme representation of the disorder as a whole - and I am thinking of it in entirely clinical terms (one of my pet peeves is when people casually refer to their behaviour as "obsessive compulsive", when all they are really talking about is being a little bit fussy or habitual). OCD can be a very difficult and emotionally painful thing to experience; nonetheless, the majority of sufferers do not become Howard Hughes-style recluses, and are capable of leading perfectly ordinary lives. Defining the disorder by the rarer, more extreme examples, to me, seems like something of an unfair generalisation...though I know that that is not your intent.

Eh, sorry to get too far off topic there.

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My Friend.

Last edited by jekylljuice; 12-16-2008 at 09:48 AM.
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Old 12-16-2008, 01:53 PM   #169
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I know that the term applies to a huge range of disorders, some of which are only mildly hampering, others of which have a greater effect on life. it's like Tourettes, which for the most part is NOT about shouting random obscenities. Most Tourettes sufferers ust have a tic or an audible sound. However, generally speaking you'll be discussing the most extreme aspect.

Back on the topic of Foster's, you will never see an IF with a mild disorder. Their personalities are very, very centered on whatever their original concept is - Mr. Herriman follows the rules, so he FOLLOWS THE RULES, even if the rules are detrimental. If they contradict, he just might explode. This also explains why Bloo is never going to "learn his lesson," no matter how many times he tries. He can't!

By the way, I think the turning point for him in the movie was biting the giant monster's tail, not just when he decided to trust Frankie.
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Old 12-16-2008, 03:54 PM   #170
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It looked like World was going to eat her (which he did), so who wouldn't try to stop that from happening? =P
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