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Old 04-04-2009, 11:14 PM   #1
Lady of Brightwood
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Angry My purse was stolen! D-;

*sigh* I just feel like I can't win! I went to a park today with my dad and sister, hoping we'll see some bald eagles. We were equipped with cameras and binoculars. Saw some osprey and a number of other birds, but no eagles. Oh well. But at getting back to the car, we see the passenger side window had been busted out and my purse, which was on the floor between the drivers seat and passenger seat, was gone! My license, my debit card, my social security card, my birth certificate, my checks- all gone. My car keys, my apartment key, my mailbox key, my work key, my antique skeleton key, my copy for my parents' house- all gone. My cell phone and my Foster's phone charms- gone. I am FREAKING OUT!! I've never had this happen to me before! And now I have all these things to replace, and I don't even know where to begin. I've already canceled my debit card, but I can't do anything about my checks until Monday. I can't get new keys for my car or apartment until Monday, either. I can't go in to apply for a new license until Monday. So tomorrow (Sunday), I'm just going to be filling out a police report, and then sitting at my parents place feeling helpless and terrified. And then Monday will be crazy busy. I've called into work for tomorrow, I know I'll be in no condition to work with how much stress I'm right now. I've never handled stress very well, and I'm not going to risk working 8 1/2 hours on one of the busiest and most stressful day of the week for us.

I'm trying hard to count my blessings. Joey, my cat, is just fine. He's here at my parent's place with me. My computer is fine. So far, everything at my apartment is fine (although they have my apt key and my address on my license so they could go over there and clean me out as long as I'm at my folks place ). My camera is fine. And although it's useless without a key (I didn't even have a spare), my car is also fine. And of course my whole family is fine, no one's hurt. It's just my mom's van's window needs replacing.

Ugh, what a pain! I would appreciate support and for those who do so, prayers, until I can sort all this out and get back on my feet. This is all so scary!

Last edited by Lynnie; 04-04-2009 at 11:14 PM.
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Old 04-04-2009, 11:21 PM   #2
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Oh, man, that really sucks big-time. I'm sorry; I wish there was something I could do. You know you have my full support and I'm here if you need to talk or just scream. You'll get through it though, you're stronger than you think, and I know you won't roll over and let the bottom-feeder criminals change your life. I think I can speak for everyone here when I say we're all behind you 100%. I know I am, and you'll be in my thoughts.

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Old 04-04-2009, 11:26 PM   #3
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Thank you so much Cass, it means a lot, it really does. You've already done so much, and just so you know, I'm not for the LIFE of me going to let this affect my summer plans. Grrrrr!!!! *growling defensively at the situation*

I'll keep you guys updated with the progress I make at getting back on my feet.
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Old 04-04-2009, 11:33 PM   #4
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Damg! Horrible news. We support you all the way. Keep us updated.

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Old 04-04-2009, 11:43 PM   #5
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Thank you Ord. *hugs*

My mom just got home from work, first time she's seen the van. She's not happy, as I can certainly understand. She looked through the van as soon as she got home to see if anything else is missing. Had a bit of a fright, as it looked like they got her GPS unit, too, but after feverishly looking for it, they found it safe in the glove compartment. *whew!* I just wish my purse had been stuffed in there, too.
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Old 04-05-2009, 12:02 AM   #6
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It's going to be all right. Just take it one day at time.

Definitely keep a close watch on your bank statements for now if the thief has your SSN.

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Old 04-05-2009, 03:10 AM   #7
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Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry to hear that Lynnie. I had my house broken into several years ago (they didn't really take much, just made a huge bloody mess of the place), so I know how much it sucks to have a complete stranger intrude upon your life like that. I'm willing to wager that the slimeball who took your purse was an opportunist thief, and probably far too lazy and gutless to plan and orchestrate a full-scale burglary upon your property, but I can understand your concern on the matter, and I do hope that things will get back on track for you soon. Until then, take all the precautions that are necessary, and you know that we'll be right here for you, to offer our love and support all the way.

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Last edited by jekylljuice; 04-05-2009 at 03:12 AM.
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Old 04-05-2009, 07:19 AM   #8
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I'll echo everyone's thoughts and say sorry to hear about your loss.

And I agree with that L.G said and just take things slowly until you can get your affair back in order.

And lastly I hope those stupid purse snatchers will one day get what's coming to them.
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Old 04-05-2009, 09:10 AM   #9
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Thank you all so much for your comments and support. Much love.

I'm still not ok, but I'll be again eventually. I learned this morning that I can apply for both a new SSN card and license online, which does make things easier, less phone calls to make and less places to stop by. I plan to call my apartment complex later this morning and ask if the locks on my door can be replaced asap. And later today we're going back to the city where it happened (which is an hour away from where I am now, ugh, my parents live way out in the boondocks) and meet with the police and fill out a report. Hopefully tomorrow, once everything is open again, I'll check with my bank and see if it will be a good idea to close my account and transfer the funds (if the scum didn't wipe it out before I got to canceling my debit card last night) into a new one. We can also check with the local Dodge dealership and see if we can get a new key for my car.

What's worrying me so much is the cost of everything. I have no method of paying right now anyway, but I don't want my parents to dig themselves in a hole by dealing with all this. And what if it's so much even they can't take care of it right now? We're all suffering a bit financially right now.

And then there's the issue of my ssn and even my birth certificate having been in my purse. I am sooo kicking myself for having them in there now, not smart. The thing is, I've moved so many times in the last decade, and they are needed to get a new license among other things, so I finally decided to keep them in my purse so I'll always know where they are, so I don't have to "dig them up" after the turmoil of a stressful move. My birth certificate would appear as an old, stained and slightly torn piece of paper, tucked in one of the pockets of my purse, so it's likely they didn't even see it. But yeah, SSN, ugh. My credit is less then perfect as many of you know already, due to student loans, but they can still do some damage with that. I'll definitely be keeping a CLOSE eye on things for a while.

Again all your support is very much appreciated. It does lighten this load a bit.
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Old 04-05-2009, 01:53 PM   #10
Imaginary Light
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Jeez, that really sucks. I'm so sorry that this had to happen to you. I couldn't possibly imagine having to deal with all that crap. Of course you'll be in my thoughts and prayers, an I really, really, truly hope this all works out in the end. I know it will.
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