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Old 11-05-2007, 04:42 PM   #1
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Smile Your First Episode

Hello, everyone. I know I should be doing my AP Lit homework (*points to signature*), but I felt like starting a thread that I think would be kind of fun and (hopefully) initiate some good-spirited (read: play nice!) discussion.

Here's the quetion for you: What was the very first episode of Foster's that you ever saw? Maybe share a little story about it, stuff like that...

Here's mine. I first saw the show when I was in Los Angeles in the summer of 2005. My parents are both in the National Education Association (NEA. It's the teachers' union) and they were delegates in the Delegate Assembly, held in LA that year.

I got a free trip to LA, but had to stay in the hotel. (Boy, that broke my heart... ) The channels at the hotel were pretty lame, but at least we got Cartoon Network. The second or third day, I was sitting on the bed, channel surfing when I stopped on CN (mostly because nothing else was on). Foster's was just coming on, and I thought it looked interesting, so I stopped. I'm pretty sure that it was the pilot episode, "House of Bloo's." (I do recall seeing the first few minutes of "The Trouble with Scribbles" beofre we left for dinner...) I loved the show and have been watching ever since.

The funny thing is my parents went to NEA Delegate Assembly in Philadelphia this summer and I stayed in the hotel there too. The channels were (once again) lame, but we (once again) got CN. Only this time I didn't need to channel surf to find something good to watch if I knew Foster's was on! XD

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Last edited by WiltsAKGirl17; 11-05-2007 at 07:35 PM.
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Old 11-05-2007, 05:02 PM   #2
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The first episode I ever saw was a re-run of "Partying Is Such Sweet Soiree". I actually made a point to watch the show, just once, out of curiosity to try and find out more about this tall red dude with only one arm and one good eye, since I'd seen pics of him on Deviant Art and seen many posts about him. I'd never watched a single show on Cartoon Network before, but since I was a Monsters, Inc. fan, and was on a forum devoted to a character in that movie, some of the other members recommended that I watch "Foster's", since they thought I'd like the humor and the crazy-looking characters. They were right. With the very first viewing, I got hooked. I mean, there was a freakin' RAVE going on, with a little kid going bonkers on sugar(and I've seen real kids do just that, so it can be just that scary, believe me) and acting like a crack-head to get it, and of course, that tall red dude didn't disappoint, either!

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Old 11-05-2007, 05:02 PM   #3
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I first heard about the show on CN's website, I think, and read through the info and character profiles and the like. The first actual episode I saw though was "Adoptaclypse." I think I just happened to be flipping through the channels during a boring summer day and saw it, so I watched it and enjoyed it.

I then watched the show whenever I noticed it was on TV but that only lasted for a short time. I recall at one point my brother's daughters were over at my house and I saw Foster's was coming on, so I started watching it with them and one of the girls started FREAKING OUT and saying that the show was going to give her nightmares so I had to turn it off. XD; (The ep we were watching was "Eddie Monster," but we never even got to the part with the extreme-o-saur. Oo I can't for the life of me figure out what scared her so much about the show, unless she was scared of Eduardo for some odd reason.) I kindof forgot about it for a long time after that, and didn't get into it again until someone posted a topic about it on another forum I go to. XD;

Last edited by BabyCharmander; 11-05-2007 at 05:04 PM.
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Old 11-05-2007, 05:05 PM   #4
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The first Foster's episode I saw was Who Let The Dogs In?, way back in March of 2005. At the time I was a TV news junkie, mostly watching CNN and MSNBC, but that had been getting more and more tedious as time wore on; one can only hear so many reports about Iraq before wanting to hurl a brick. On this particular day I was flipping through the rest of the channels, desperately seeking something else to watch, when I hit CN during the show's opening credits; it was the part where Bloo is at the windowsill, looking bored and lonely, just before Mac and the rest of the IF's show up. Then comes the logo and I remembered the name, as I had intended to watch the premiere back in August 2004 but it was up against a new episode of Star Trek: Enterprise, and being the loyal Trekkie that I am... Anyway, I remembered that the show's premise had intrigued me at the time so I decided to give it a shot. I waited through three minutes of commercials, which was followed by the title card, and then, "Oh my stars, who is she?!" The rest, as they say, is history.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

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Old 11-05-2007, 05:25 PM   #5
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One False Movie was my first. For awhile before seeing it my friend Aggie I met on her Kim Possible Community on LJ had been talking about Fosters and it was her new fav show. Also my friend Sam once mentioned how she would have cast Grey Delisle as the voice of one of her characters, with a voice similar to Frankie's. Being a big fan of Grey it was kind of an injustice for me not to have seen the show at least once!

So I made a mental note to catch it -sometime- if I spotted it on. Sadly all the good cartoon here seem to be on early on the weekends and I love to sleep in so that wasn't a good thing (Our VCR wasn't reliable and we didn't have a PVR yet). One day I was watching Teletoon and I guess they had just switched the time slot to 6 PM (I think) watched it, and though "hey... This is pretty good."

Frankie was the reason I keep watching that week, as she doesn't have much of role in OFM so I still had to hear her talk some more. The "infection" (XD) took hold when Cookie Dough and Frankie My Dear came on latter that week. Two of my all time fav episodes of Fosters!

During the rest of that week I D/Led EVERY episode of the series and watched them ALL! That was one awesome marathon man...

And now, almost a year latter, I'm still a... Fostard.. uh... Friend of Fosters...? What DO we call ourselves?

Last edited by Subzeroace; 11-05-2007 at 05:27 PM.
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Old 11-05-2007, 05:29 PM   #6
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The first episode I began watching was the Pilot (on the day of the series debut); being "House of Bloo's". For a while, I wasn't watching as much Cartoon Network as I did prior to mid-2004. I was seeing promos for Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends around the summer of that year. To be honest with you, the preview didn't intrigue me, and thought at first, "what kind of stupid-looking show is Cartoon Network trying to come up with?" However, I learned Craig McCracken is the man behind the series, so I went ahead and gave the series a chance. I took a nap, after getting off of work. Once I got up, I watched the pilot. And well, that's how it all began for me.

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Old 11-05-2007, 05:42 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Cassini90125 View Post
"Oh my stars, who is she?!"
That's basically how I reacted when I first saw Frankie My Dear.

I'd seen the ad for it (which was a premiere episode in Australia), and it looked really good. When I saw it, I immediately fell in love with it (or her to be more specific ).
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Old 11-05-2007, 08:53 PM   #8
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I liked the series from the beginning, but didn't quite like it to the point of being sure I caught every episode until toward the beginning of season 3. I previously hadn't paid much attention to CN at all, but during the summer of '04 I remember seeing the promos for it at my parents place, as my sister had recently gotten into some of CN's shows. I was intrigued from the start because, I'm sorry but, What a cool idea! One ad I particularly remember is where Coco comes out and "talks" about the show. We of course had no idea what she was saying, so then Bloo comes out and takes over. I meant to catch the premier, but must not have wanted to that badly because I never paid much attention to the date or time. The first episode I remember watching all the way through was "Dinner is Swerved", although don't know if it was the premier or a rerun. Loved it, of course. Whenever I channel surfed and caught the show on, I would always stop. I eventually caught some other eppies in the whole, but most of them I only caught in part. It was when I first saw a rerun of "Frankie my Dear" sometime in the first half of season 3 that I became hooked. Orlando Bloo was making me laugh soooooo hard, I decided then and there that I had to try to catch this show more often- and pay attention to when it's suppose to come on so I can see the WHOLE episode! And it's here where the obsession really began.
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Old 11-05-2007, 09:04 PM   #9
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It was the pilot episode the night it debuted, though I only saw the beginning and ending, but missed the middle, or I saw it and forgot =P

So I don't really count it as the first episode I saw, since I didn't see the full thing =)

Last edited by Nem; 11-05-2007 at 09:05 PM.
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Old 11-05-2007, 09:48 PM   #10
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Picture it, Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada in the Spring of 2005.

A young Canadian lad much like any other lad his age was channel surfing looking for something interesting to watch, he stopped on channel 48 for channel 48 twas the Ottawa cable system home of our national animation station Teletoon.

And when the young lads dial stopped on Teletoon, he came across an episode of a show that led him to making said show a permanent part of his TV viewing schedule.

That episode was the ever popular first season romp: Store Wars.

This 22 and half minuet tail of streamers, massage chairs, dancing cacti and rip off artists, was the first giant step into converting me into a die hard fan and since that day it has been one hell of a toboggan ride.
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