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Old 11-12-2007, 06:06 AM   #1
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Default Episode Title Puns

EDIT: The awesome bloonuggets wrote a better list here.

(I THINK this is in the right forum... move it if it isn't, please. >> Eheh.)

I dunno about you folks, but I LOVE puns. %B Not groan-inducing ones, of course--I hate those as much as the next person. Puns are common jokes that are rarely ever laugh-out-loud funny, but I find them highly amusing anyway.

I love the puns in the Foster's episode titles, even though, I know, every other cartoon does the same thing. Still, I'm trying to compile a list of the puns (and other literary devices) in the ep titles, and need a bit of help completing the list. Some ep titles I have no idea about, some I have a vague idea about but am not sure.

Store Wars - Star Wars
The Trouble with Scribbles - The Trouble with Tribbles
Busted - generic pun ("busted" as in "broken" and "in trouble," as well as "bust," the type of statue that was broken in the episode)
Dinner Is Swerved - Dinner Is Served
World Wide Wabbit - World Wide Web
Berry Scary - Very Scary
Seeing Red - Seeing Red (same phrase, different meaning: "seeing red" as in being very angry, and "seeing Red" as in seeing the imaginary friend, Red )
Phone Home - exact phrase
Who Let the Dogs In? - Who Let the Dogs Out
Adoptcalypse Now - Apocalypse Now
Bloooo - Boooo (the sound a ghost supposedly makes)
Partying Is Such Sweet Soiree - Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow
The Big Lablooski - The Big Lebowski
Where There's a Wilt There's a Way - Where There's a Will There's a Way
Everyone Knows It's Bendy - Everyone Knows It's Windy
Sight for Sore Eyes - exact phrase
Bloo's Brothers - The Blues Brothers
Cookie Dough - generic pun ("dough" as in "flour or meal combined with water, milk, etc., in a mass for baking into bread" and "money")
Frankie My Dear - Frankly My Dear
Mac Daddy - Mac Daddy (same phrase, different meaning: "mac daddy" as in "pimp" and "Mac daddy" as in Mac apparently being Cheese's father/creator)
Squeakerboxxx - Speakerboxxx
Beat with a Shtick - Beat with a Stick (?)
The Sweet Stench of Success - The Sweet Smell of Success
Bye Bye Nerdy - Bye Bye Birdy
Bloo Done It - Who Done It (?)
My So Called Wife - My So Called Life
Eddie Monster - Eddie Munster (?)
Hiccy Burp - Hikky Burr
Camp Keep a Good Mac Down - (You) Can't Keep a Good Man Down
Imposter's Home for um... Make 'Em Up Pals - no pun; parody (the show's title )
Duchess of Wails - Duchess of Wales
Foster's Goes to Europe - no pun (?)
Go Goo Go - no pun; alliteration (Go, Goo, Go; plus the fact that the name "Goo" looks similar to the word "Go")
Crime after Crime - Time after Time (?)
Land of the Flea - Land of the Free
One False Movie - One False Move
Setting a President - Setting a Precedent (?)
Room with a Feud - Room with a View
Cuckoo for Coco Cards - Cuckoo for Coco Puffs
Challenge of the Super Friends - SuperFriends
The Big Picture - The Big Picture (same phrase, different meaning: "the big picture" as in "the whole idea" and basically a giant picture, like the one being taken in the episode)
Squeeze the Day - Seize the Day
Neighbor Pains - Labor Pains (?)
Infernal Slumber - Eternal Slumber/Infernal Summer
I Only Have Surprise for You - I Only Have Eyes for You
Bus the Two of Us - Just the Two of Us
The Big Cheese - exact phrase
Bloo's the Boss - Who's the Boss (?)
Emancipation Complication - Emancipation Proclamation
Make Believe It or Not - Believe It or Not
Cheese A Go-Go - Monsters a Go-Go
The Buck Swaps Here - The Buck Stops Here
Say It Isn't Sew - Say It Isn't So
Something Old, Something Bloo - Something Old, Something Blue
The Bloo Superdude and the Magic Potato of Power - parody of cheesy movie titles (?)
Shlock Star - Rock Star
The Bride to Beat - The Bride to Be (?)
Affair Weather Friends - Fair Weather Friends
Ticket to Rod - Ticket to Ride
Better Off Ed - Better Off Dead

House of Bloo's - House of Blues
A Lost Clause - A Lost Cause
Good Wilt Hunting - Good Will Hunting
Nightmare on Wilson Way - Nightmare on Elm Street

Driving Miss Crazy - Driving Miss Daisy
Neighborhood Wash - Neighborhood Watch
All Zapped Up - All Hyped Up
Bad to the Phone - Bad to the Bone
Truth or Stare - Truth or Dare
Cranks a Lot - Thanks a Lot
A Chore Thing - A Sure Thing
Hide and Bloo Seek - Hide and Go Seek
Badvertisement - Advertisement
Give Pizza a Chance - Give Peace a Chance
Drawing Bored - Drawing Board
A Fistful of Cereal - A Fistful of Dollars
Petrified Pet - no pun; alliteration and assonance (petrified, pet)
Coconuts - exact phrase
Penpal - exact phrase
Here Kitty Kitty - exact phrase
Birthday Cake Bloos - Birthday Cake Blues (?)
Backpack Attack - no pun; rhyme (backpack, attack)
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow - Here Today, Gone Tomorrow


What can I say? I'm too sick to go to class and don't have anything better to do. (...Well I do, but I don't feel like doing it at the moment. )

Anyway, inform me if I missed any titles. (I got the list from Wiki.) As well, if anyone can confirm or correct the phrases I have followed by a question mark in parenthesis and figure out what the pun is (if there's one at all) in the titles followed by a question mark, that would be awesomegreat!

Last edited by BabyCharmander; 11-18-2007 at 03:47 AM.
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Old 11-12-2007, 06:34 AM   #2
At Home
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The Big Lablooski - The Big Lebowski(movie)
Everyone Knows It's Bendy - Everyone Knows It's Windy(or is it wendy? Google you're no help! I just know it's an oldies song)
Bloo's Brothers - The Blues Brothers, famous movie
Mac Daddy - Possibly a play on the term used for a Pimp.
Bye Bye Nerdy - Bye Bye Birdie, a musical
My So Called Wife - My So Called Life
Eddie Monster - I can only imagine it's referring to the show the Munster's. Eddie Munster being the werewolf boy on the show.
Room with a Feud - Room with a View
I Only Have a Surprise for You - I only have eyes for you
Bus the Two of Us - Just the Two of Us, it's a song.
Ticket to Rod - Ticket to Ride, song

Nightmare on Wilson Way - Nightmare on Elm Street, horror movie
Fixed a few of those. :3
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Old 11-12-2007, 06:44 AM   #3
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Thanks! I updated the list.
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Old 11-12-2007, 06:49 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by BabyCharmander View Post
Thanks! I updated the list.
I forgot to look through the shorties list. I'll go through it in a bit if nobody else gets to it. For now though I have to head off to my next class.
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Old 11-12-2007, 06:55 AM   #5
Take a bow, Bloo. You deserve it.
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Mac Daddy comes from the rap group Kris Kross who had a song called "Jump Jump" that contained the lyric "The Mac Daddy'll make ya..."

And you're correct, TB. The Association had a song called "(Everyone Knows It's) Windy."

As for the other episodes, "Chesse A Go-Go" puns that old Mystery Science Theatre 3000 classic of bad cinema "Monsters A Go-Go", "Challenge of the Super Friends" was indeed the 1972 season of the SuperFriends cartoon series on ABC, while "Schlock Star" puns off the phrase "Rock Star." As for the shorts, "Neighborhood Wash" puns local crime volunteer organizations called "Neighborhood Watch", "A Chore Thing" puns the phrase "A Sure Thing", "Give Pizza Chance" is a pun of the John Lennon 1970 song "(All We Are Saying Is) Give Peace A Chance", while "A Fistful of Cereal" puns the spaghetti western "A Fistful of Dollars" starring Clint Eastwood.

Hope that helps you out there.

Oh, almost forgot. The exact title of one episode is "I Only Have Surprise For You." The title you listed was misprinted (and recorded) on
Editor of's FHFIF pages

Thank you Craig for the ride. We all will miss you.

Last edited by Cassini90125; 11-12-2007 at 08:08 AM.
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Old 11-12-2007, 07:12 AM   #6
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Some of those titles are references to famous movie lines. "Phone Home" has proven to be one of the most memorable utterences of the titular character from ET: the Extra Terrestrial (Steven Speilberg, 1982), while "Frankie My Dear" owes to the first clause of Rhett Buttler's notorious departing statement "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn" from Gone With the Wind (Victor Fleming, 1939). "Parting is such a sweet sorrow", of course, is a Shakespearian phrase (Romeo and Juliet, FYI).

I always assumed that "Schlock Star" was a simple play on "Rock Star" myself, but I could be wrong.

That's it,
The End,
But you'll get over it,
My Friend.

Last edited by jekylljuice; 11-12-2007 at 07:15 AM.
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Old 11-12-2007, 07:19 AM   #7
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Thanks again, guys!

Remember, I'd also like either a confirmation or a correction on the phrases followed by a question mark in parenthesis, as I'm not entirely sure I got them right.

Edit: Oh, BTW, do you guys think I should be more specific with the list, like stating what some of the phrases are from and what the titles are of (movie, show, song, etc.)?

Last edited by BabyCharmander; 11-12-2007 at 07:21 AM.
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Old 11-12-2007, 08:58 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by BabyCharmander View Post
Adoptcalypse Now - Apocalypse Now (?)
Squeakerboxxx - ?
Camp Keep a Good Mac Down - Can't Keep a Good (?) Down (I don't know the actual phrase. I've heard "Can't Keep a Good Dog Down," but that was from All Dogs Go to Heaven, and I'm not sure if that's parodying the real phrase or if that IS the real phrase...)

Good Wilt Hunting - Good Will Hunting (?)
Pretty sure Apocalypse Now and Good Will Hunting are right and referring to the movies. Squeakerboxxx could be referring to Speakerboxxx/The Love Below (an album by Outkast). I'm only guessing for the last one, but could it be Can't Keep A Good Man Down? Isn't that a song?

Edit: Oh and Something Old, Something Bloo could be Something Old, Something Blue. As in you should also have something blue for your wedding.

Last edited by RocketBabyDoll; 11-12-2007 at 09:00 AM.
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Old 11-12-2007, 09:06 AM   #9
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Ah, okay. The list has been updated. (There's still a question mark after "Can't Keep a Good Man Down" since it looks as though we're not entirely sure on that one yet. XD)

Last edited by BabyCharmander; 11-12-2007 at 09:08 AM.
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Old 11-12-2007, 09:08 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by RocketBabyDoll View Post
I'm only guessing for the last one, but could it be Can't Keep A Good Man Down? Isn't that a song?
Yeah I just googled it. It's from Alabama apparently. I think it's a musical.


Last edited by TB; 11-12-2007 at 09:09 AM.
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