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Old 07-01-2007, 07:29 PM   #1
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Default Favorite Videogame Anti-Heroes

Kratos-The very definition of an anti-hero, Kratos' methods are simple: kill first, never question. No matter what he does, he doesn't seem to feel quilty or full of regrets, usually shrugging off just to reach his own goals. Yet, at the very least, he does seem to have some good behaviors, mainly to his family, and, to a small extent, to Athena.

Wario-The complete opposite of Mario, Wario uses brute strengths to solve even the simple solution, and is only motivated by greed and the intention to take down his own arch foe. At the same time, though, he sometimes do good deeds, and even then, he wants something in return.

Waluigi-Like his brother, he's also a complete opposite of Luigi. What Luigi does, Waluigi does the exact opposite. Well, that pretty much sums it up.

Akuma-one of the popular characters from the Street Fighter franchise, Akuma fits into this role, responsible for killing Gouken, Ryu and Ken's teacher, and has numerous enemies along the way. While his methods are intense, usually seeks out foes who are strongs, refusing to kill those who are weak.
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Old 07-01-2007, 07:33 PM   #2
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shadow the hedgehog, just because.

kratos, for the whole "kill now question later" thing.
I just became a member of a club known as the bumbling fools
Botching the game and the best things in life is the motto and the rule
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Old 07-01-2007, 07:39 PM   #3
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Bowser, because he's only the coolest, and least intelligent fire-beathing, spiky-shelled turtle I've ever seen. He's also the easiest to make fun of. You can't go wrong making fun of a guy who sends brown mushrooms and flying turtles to defeat plumbers. You also can't go wrong mocking the guy that intentionally puts a switch behind him, breaking blocks and making him fall in a lava pit he added for some reason.

I also admire ganondorf, after all, he is pretty cool for some sort of pale elf thing. It also amuses me that you could probably paint a brand new Mona Lisa in the time it takes for him to charge his moves.

Last edited by Bloo2daMacs; 07-01-2007 at 07:40 PM.
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Old 07-02-2007, 02:15 PM   #4
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I'd have to go with Bowser as well. He's always at his comical peak when he's teamed up with Mario. Another one for me would have to be Shadow from Final Fantasy 3 (VI). It's incredibly powerful to see a man who killed his emotions and turned his back on his past decide that he has nothing to lose in risking it all to help save the world.
There are so many others that I'll just have to list the ones that come to my head. Magus from Chrono Trigger, Amarant from Final Fantasy IX,
The Star Wolf team from Star Fox and many more. I'll try and get into more detail later.
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