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View Poll Results: How would you grade Berry Scary?
A 11 47.83%
B 10 43.48%
C 2 8.70%
D 0 0%
F 0 0%
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Old 06-26-2007, 12:00 AM   #1
The Huntsman
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Default Episode Discussion: Berry Scary

I?ve noticed that this episode didn?t have a discussion topic, or if it did, it has long since been lost. Either way, what type of fan would I be if I didn?t endorse my favorite episode of the series through topical discussion? Berry Scary may not have been the best episode in the series, thought I believe it was the best episode in the first season; I also consider it to be my favorite episode, as even though other episodes were somewhat better, I believe that this episode was just extremely entertaining. You see, I first watched this episode back when the series had debuted, since it was the sixth episode of the series, and I believe that it did a good job at furthering the premise of the series. Not only did Mac and Bloo continue to behave like best buds, which I believe should be a core part of every episode, it also showed more aspects of the home, as well as its purpose, which I believe should also be explored as the series progresses. Granted, many episodes have been made since Berry Scary debuted and many more aspects of the show and the home have been revealed, though each episode still plays an important part when piecing the logic of the series together.

Regardless, I believe that this episode was pretty funny as well. I particularly enjoyed how Bloo kept getting Berry?s name wrong, even though I felt bad for her, as Bloo?s ignorance is a very funny thing. That was further exploited when Bloo thought the reason for his failure was the fact that he was around each time they failed, as well as how he forgot they even built a rubber band ball at the end. Granted, I know I?m just pointing out obvious things and this isn?t really the way to make a good discussion topic, though through speaking about the things I?ve enjoyed, I hope other users will take the time to express what they?ve enjoyed about this episode.

As I?ve said earlier, I also really liked Terrence?s behavior in this episode. I believe it was the first episode he appeared in since the movie, and even though it shames me to admit it, I?ve done what Terrence did. I sometimes feel embarrassed for some of the shows I watch and I tend to change the channel quickly if somebody walks in, hoping they didn?t notice, but I suppose I shouldn?t digress. Either way, I felt bad for Terrence, though I enjoyed the way he behaved and I thought it was a nice addition to the episode. I also thought Frankie was handled nicely, as seeing her gush over how great of a couple Bloo and Berry were was nice; I?m not sure why I liked those scenes so much, but they were interesting and they were a good addition to the episode.

With that, I think I?ve rambled enough. My thoughts are crumpled up and they?re mixed in this post in a horrible fashion, though I hope others will take the time to express their thoughts on this episode of the series.
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Old 06-26-2007, 12:41 AM   #2
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Well, it was a good episode. The theme that they peiced it together out of something that would happen in a soap opera (even though it happened in a very Fosters way) was cool. Also the running gag about how the musical accompaniment was ACTUALLY happening was a favourite. I loved Terrence in this one too, and I generally do the same thing, though mostly when watching cartoons. A good, solid episode. I would give it a B+ if I could, the only thing holding it back from A is that there are plenty of episodes which just make me laugh harder. For any other series, it'd be an A for sure. And it's definitely one of, if not the best from season 1.
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Old 06-26-2007, 04:18 AM   #3
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I can't say that 'Berry Scary' is my favourite episode, since after seeing it SO many times (I think it was on, like, everyday for a week once) and it got a bit old. But I enjoyed it the first time round. Berry is a pretty interesting character, again, not my favourite secondary/minor character (that's Foul Larry), but still pretty interesting. I think she's grown on me a little more after I started using her in my fanfic, but she's the most exciting character in the world, in my opinion. Interesting, but just a bit... Eh.

The actual episode itself, as I've said, was pretty good but, got a bit old after the hundredth time. Yet, it was quite funny, especially when Bloo kept messing up on Berry's name (I think the end credits for the epsidoe are my favourites). "Woah, woah! Who said anything about LOVE, Heather?". I felt famous after hearing that XD

I also loved Terrence's guilty pleasure. I couldn't help but smile when we saw him, sat on the sofa, hugging a pillow watching the screen and then quickly changed that channel as Mac cam running through. The same thing has happened to me many times before, as well, but only when there is nothing on and I start flicking though the channels and I get hypnotised by the Teletubies or The Tweenies or something...

I gave this episode a B, for Berry, of course, and it would be nice to see her appear again
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Old 06-27-2007, 08:25 AM   #4
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It?s certainly one of Season One?s best. As so often with the earliest ventures to any great series, it has the disadvantage of having arrived when the show was still pretty much in its developmental process, which may explain why successive episodes have somewhat overshadowed it in my mind. Season One set the scene up very nicely, but I think that Foster?s really took off in Season Two, when it had had time to truly develop its characters and identity. Of the early episodes, I?d elect Seeing Red as my own personal favourite, and Store Wars as the funniest, but Berry Scary has probably the strongest storyline of them all, being one of the most interesting and cleverly-structured, and certainly the darkest.

There are some neat running gags within, many of which have already been cited - the characters all following their cliché-ridden soap opera made for an effective framing device and, like everyone else here, I found Terrence?s link in that chain to be absolutely priceless. Equally nice was the running gag throughout the first act in which all the background music was revealed to have been supplied by various Imaginary Friends (Wilt with his radio, the violin IF and Ramone). Still, despite all these humorous touches, it?s far from the most frivolous episode. Bloo?s ongoing disregard for Berry provided some amusement but it was hard not to feel pity for her (more than just failing to memorise her name, Bloo wasn?t even willing to pretend to take interest in her many homemade gifts for him - ouch). And of course Berry herself could be rather spine-chilling, particularly when wielding a sharp object (lol). Perhaps due to the rather overwhelming nature of her character, I don?t find her quite as appealing and enjoyable an antagonist as I do Kip Snip, but she?s still a very unique and interesting (not to mention adorable, in her way) character, and I?d be all open for a comeback some time in the future.

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Old 06-27-2007, 03:43 PM   #5
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Berry Scary deffinetly wasn't one of my favourite episodes. I'd say it was one of the best in Season 1, but overall, it doesn't even make my top ten. But I rate the episode a B because I still liked it and thought it was really funny.

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Old 07-05-2007, 08:38 PM   #6
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There are a TON of awesome Fosters episodes out there. There are a lot of spectacular ones which didn't make it to my top 10, and this is one of them.
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Old 07-06-2007, 01:14 PM   #7
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While this episode wouldn't make my top ten list of favorite episodes, I still found it to be quite an enjoyable episode overall. Berry's...ahem...obsession with Bloo was quite amusing, yet scary at the same time. She DEFINITELY needs to be in a psycho ward, that's for sure! I thought it had plenty of humor to offer even if it didn't make me laugh as loud as some of the others and hey, how can I NOT love an episode that actually used my own name in the script ("You look like a Heather to me." ...the first thing I thought when I heard that was "Hey, that's MY name!" XD)?!

Berry herself, as others have mentioned, was a pretty interesting and unique character in her own way. She's not the kind of character that I could just head-over-heels adore, but she also has a kind of devilish charm that is irresistable at the same time and that's what made her such an interesting character. I personally wouldn't mind seeing her character again, either. After all, if they can use characters like Cheese and Goo so much, then why not characters like Berry? (and Red...he's another one I really like!)

While I wouldn't give this an A rating (only because it wasn't quite as humorous as some of the other episodes and it seemed to use some gags that were used before) I would definitely rate it around the B to B+ range.

Last edited by Chaos Wielder; 07-06-2007 at 01:15 PM.
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Old 07-08-2007, 07:12 AM   #8
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This is one of my favorite 1st Season episodes (along with World Wide Wabbit, and Store Wars).
Berry's evil side is always hilarious, especially when she starts stabbing the cake she made, and when she gets run over by the rubber band ball.
Poor Berry, she tries so hard to get Bloo's attention, and he keeps forgetting her name. The end and the credits both make me laugh so much, though. The newscaster with Berry screaming behind him, and how many times Bloo forgets her name. Why can't Berry be on the show more? She's in BFAHP... so why not on the show?
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Old 07-11-2007, 10:36 AM   #9
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the only problem I had with this episode was when She holding that large Knife.

And then she started stabbing/cutting rapidly. I was LIKE OMg they got away with that!

The epsiode was good over all a B+ in my book
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Old 07-14-2007, 07:41 PM   #10
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I didn't really understand the part with that big fluffy red guy. when I watched the episode I was cracking up when everyone's just staring at him, and Mac has that wierd look on his face, but I didn't really understand why he was there. Unless they just randomly made him walk through the room and get in Mac's face. xD!
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