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Old 01-13-2007, 11:28 PM   #1
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Default Do you want SQUARE-ENIX to create a FOSTER's RPG?

Since SQUARE-ENIX is my favorite company, (this is the company that has done my favorite games: Romancing SaGa, Romancing SaGa 2, Romancing SaGa 3, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 4, 5, and 6, Rudora No Hihou, Front Mission, Front Mission: Gunhazard, and Treasure Hunter G) do any of you think that SQUARE-ENIX should make a FOSTER's RPG that looks exactly like Final Fantasy 4, 5, 6? If yes, that's great! If not, well, that's OK.
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Old 01-14-2007, 11:23 AM   #2
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Personally I can't see Fosters working well with an RPG system. I just can't see the chars fighting random monsters all the time. Now I can see an adventure like game, maybe with a little bit of platform thrown in. It could be made by someone like Telltale Games or Double Fine.

I really think Fosters is more puzzle friendly then it is fighting.
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Old 01-14-2007, 02:49 PM   #3
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Well, I can see it well. Let's say Bloo is acting his crazy self, when he finds another secret door, only this time, it is filled with padlocks, chains,etc. Bloo wondered what was behind that door, and Frankie, Madame Foster, and Mr. Herriman told Bloo that behind that door was the deadliest, most dangerous imaginary friend ever. So, that night, Bloo found the keys to unlock the door, and suddnely, when he opened it, a swarm of random monsters,boss monsters, summons, and finally the main villain, which is known as Zemus all escape the house. The next morning, everyone was very angry at Bloo, and for punishment, Bloo and 4 friends, (Mac, Frankie, Wilt and Edwardo) must now persue Zemus before he destroys the world. Can they do it? this will be the story line of the first game. Hope this is good enough for ya..

Are Telltale Games and Double Fine AMERICAN game companies?

Last edited by Cassini90125; 01-14-2007 at 02:56 PM.
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Old 01-14-2007, 05:13 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by megatron01 View Post
Are Telltale Games and Double Fine AMERICAN game companies?
Yes, doesn't make them bad.
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Old 01-14-2007, 06:26 PM   #5
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Hmm. Have they ever made any games for any consoles? Why is it that an RPG is not a good idea? Videogames that are based on catoons are never RPG's. Is there a reason why?
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Old 01-14-2007, 09:01 PM   #6
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Because licensed cartoon games are mostly meant to be quick tie-ins instead of anything with actual quality or substance.

I think a Foster's game could be good as a Super Mario 64-esque platformer. Remember how Mario jumped into paintings, transporting himself from Princess Peach's mostly quiet castle and into many wild, dangerous, adventure-filled worlds? Maybe the Foster's game could have Mac and Bloo jumping into paintings and transporting themselves into different fantastical worlds, each taking famous elements and minor/one-shot characters of the series.
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Old 01-15-2007, 12:18 AM   #7
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OK, I know said in the "Last movie you watched" topic that it was the last post I'd be making for a while...well, I lied. So sue me...again.

Subzeroace has hit the nail right on the head; an old-school point-and-click adventure game, in the vein of Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle or Sam and Max, would be by the far the best format for making a Foster's videogame. RPGs and platformers are all well and good, but Foster's is not an action-based show - turning it into an action-based game dilutes the show's strengths, namely characterisation, scripting and humour, virtues which go hand-in-hand with the adventure genre. The likes of Telltale and Double Fine would be canny choices too, because I gather that they're where a lot of the talent from the early 90s LucasArts team, kings of the point-and-click adventure game, migrated to after LucasArts became "the Star Wars game factory" (nothing against Star Wars games; just that LucasArts used to be about so much more than that ). It would help that these companies are American in this case; Foster's is an American show, with a very American sense of humour. The more I think about this, the more it seems like a great idea...Foster's has such a rich variety of characters, a fantastic location in the Foster's Mansion, an infinite amount of potential plots and puzzles...if they really did this right, it would be the perfect way of creating a game that really takes advantage of what makes the show great, instead of just using its characters and settings to frame a generic videogame experience.

...but who am I kidding? For the reasons Voxxyn mentioned, there's no way it would ever happen in a million years. I guess we're stuck with churned-out, bog-standard 2D platforming from E-list development houses. Ah well.

And on that rather depressing note, I'm off on my travels. See you in a few weeks.
Well, well, well; if it isn't...
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Old 01-15-2007, 10:30 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by megatron01 View Post
Hmm. Have they ever made any games for any consoles?
Doublefine Productions' game, Psychonauts was released for PC, XBOX and Playstation 2 (it was originally supposed to be an XBOX exclusive game).
Telltale only release PC games as far as I know, which are episodic releases which sucks since each game is pretty short.

The problem with an RPG game, especially the plot you're suggesting, is that it goes against the spirit of the show. The show isn't about magic and fighting, and it wouldn't have a plot about some villain going to destroy the world. It would seem like they just tossed the characters into such a plot (though it would be fun to see their reactions ).
RPG's are also pretty slow, and it might really hurt the humor which is very fast-paced.

A show like Foster's will work better in a fast paced adventure game or action/adventure game, a platformer or some sort of open-ended game (like the Sims, or even Big Fat Awesome House Party).
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Old 01-15-2007, 02:57 PM   #9
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It COULD be an Action-RPG (an RPG game with action elements) just like Secret of Mana. It seems to me that you hate SQUARE-ENIX and hate RPG's. Cartoon games are NEVER RPG's, and hopefully, a FOSTER's RPG will be made for the Game Boy Advance (Because I hate the NINTENDO DS). In Cartoon RPG's, the magic system will be different. Instead of "magic" the spells will be concidered "Abilities" and they take AP(Ability Points) instead of MP (Magic Points). I am getting sick and tired of video games based on cartoon TV shows being platformers all the time. It's high time the games start to be RPGs. The good news is that platformers are beginning to have RPG-like elements, for a change. If this sounded like I was complaining, I'm sorry if this has offended you.
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Old 01-15-2007, 03:14 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by megatron01 View Post
It seems to me that you hate SQUARE-ENIX and hate RPG's.
Just because we don't think a Foster's RPG would be good doesn't mean we hate RPGs. I myself loves Square-Enix, I'm a big fan of the Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts series. But the fighting elements of an RPG, as Shany said, just don't fit in with the spirit of the show.

Thats in my opinion anyway.

And I like telltale, Sam and Max is great (and I love them for picking the rights up from LucasArts) they also made a CSI game BTW. Not that that helps them in anyway with a Foster's related game XD (except maybe the willingness to accept franchises, which they've done with both Bone and Sam and Max aswell)
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