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Old 05-16-2007, 09:47 PM   #1
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Default Doctor Who

Are there any fans of this fantastic sci-fi series from Britain? I just got hooked on it after watching it two years ago. It's just so great.

Now, I've only seen current Who with Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant as the Ninth and Tenth Doctors respectively. I've also seen Paul McGann as the Eighth Doctor in the ill-fated Fox pilot a couple of years ago. But I hope to see more of the earlier seasons.

For fans of the show, do you have a favorite Doctor? What do you think of the current series? Also, who's your favorite Companion?

For those who haven't had the pleasure of seeing the show, the third season of the new series will air on Sci-Fi somewhere in the next two months. The first season can currently be seen on BBC America.

Give it a try, it's definitely worth it.
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Old 05-17-2007, 08:12 AM   #2
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I use to watch Dr Who all the time, back in the 80's. A local Public Telivision station out of Long Island use to play a two Hour block every night and then a longer block on the weekends.

I think my favorite eppisodes were some of them that had multiple Dr in them. It was great to see the timelords cross there own path.
I have only seen a few eppisodes of the newest Doctors (from the past 5 years) I think the personallity fit well, a little off and sometimes insensitive. That the dr's core. he does a lot to preserve the human race, but at the same time, humans are inferior to him since the timelords are the superior race. It is nice to see the dylects (spelling) were still used as a primary nemisis, I particularly liked seeing that they have not changed much over the past 40 years still basically a garbage can with a plunger and some headlights. I hope they bring back the Master as a nemisis. that will show us how well the writers are familiar with the past doctors. Dr who has always had writing that gave little refferences to past Doctors and eppisodes. so I hope they continue this tradition with the new doctors.

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Old 05-18-2007, 02:22 PM   #3
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I'm not overly crazy about the new ones but it is the nice to see the BBC having some fun and trying out new ideas. The odd episode has been brilliant but it mostly leaves me cold. Too much danger in Cardiff!

However when I was kid in the Tom Baker era, that show was my best thing in the world and it really did scare me. The Daleks are over-used nowdays but in early-eighties Britain it was a really big deal when those things were back and I heartily endorse the above comments regarding The Master who will def be back. He's too good a villain and I gather the Doctor's wrong about being the last Time-Lord - and his TARDIS works properly!

Oh yeh don't bother watching Torchwood. It was a big steaming pile of(EXPLETIVE DELETED).

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Old 05-18-2007, 03:10 PM   #4
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Dang, I used to love that show. All the old fanfics I wrote years ago were based on the series premise, more or less. Tom Baker was my favorite Doctor, possibly because he was the only one that was shown here for a long time, but all of them were fun to watch. The whole series was fun, and it had a charm of it's own that so many shows today are sadly lacking. It's a classic.

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Old 05-18-2007, 04:49 PM   #5
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Baker was the most popular since he aired for most of the 70's into the 80's. he was the longest running doctor.

personally I seen most of the episodes from the first 5 doctors, but not much after that, out of the first 5 I liked them all, except I do not really remember the second Doctor. Maybe he had a forgetable personallity or his episodes were not in the repeats like the rest of them. I really liked the old antique Yellow car from the third doctor.

I fondly remember being a kid back in the mid 70's waiting for the Saterday airing of a new Dr WHo episodes. It is nice to know that the Doctor is not dead yet.

MOnty .
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Old 05-20-2007, 07:15 AM   #6
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I was part of the DW community in the 80s, and a bunch of friends of mine locally are still into it. I've become pretty passive about it, not making it appointment TV but if it's on and nothing else is worth watching I'll watch it. I even confess to DW cosplay back then, dressing at conventions as the 1st Doctor.

Side note: 20 years ago, my younger sister got married and I attended the wedding (as a good older brother should) while Magnum Opus-Con was going on in Columbus GA (about two hours southwest of here). Patrick Troughton (Doctor #2 and selected by the others who have played the character as their favorite) was the special guest and as friends related to me after the weekend, he charmed the socks off everyone at his panel that Friday evening. On that Saturday morning, Troughton was found dead in his hotel room of a heart attack. A pall had been cast on the convention, but Anthony Ainley (the Master) went above and beyond to ensure everyone was to still have fun as he would say it's what Troughton would have wanted.
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Last edited by Ccook50; 05-20-2007 at 07:15 AM.
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Old 05-24-2007, 09:59 PM   #7
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It looks like The Master will return. I'm so excited about this development. I've only heard about The Master outside of his actual appearance in the canned backdoor pilot back in 96.

As for being the superior to humans, it has been revealed that the Doctor is half-human. Now it isn't accepted by all fans, but the tv movie in 96 has been considered canon by more than a few Who fans. In the movie The Master discovers the Doctor's true nature. Take it as you'd like. I myself accept this as an actual fact. It explains his admiration and love for mankind a lot more than just some superior species who sees our race for all its potential.

As for the Daleks frequent appearances, the current series will lose the license to use them either this year or the next. So they've been trying real hard to squeeze them into every season. At least they're not so easily defeat as hiding behind couches and climbing stairs as in previous times. And who can deny the shrill monotone voices screaming, "Exterminate!"?
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Old 05-03-2008, 07:05 PM   #8
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Default Doctor Who

Doctor Who is an Emmy award-winning British sci-fi series about an alien time traveller known as "The Doctor" who explores time and space, solving problems and righting wrongs.

The show has been on the air since 1963 on BBC One. Right now, the only way that us Americans can watch the show is if you have BBC America, buy the DVDs, or if you have one of the secret underground PBS stations that still air the old episodes. Or you can illegally download episodes like everyone else.

Curse you, search feature that did not show this topic at the first page of results!

Last edited by Ricky Fieldmouse; 05-04-2008 at 08:24 AM.
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Old 05-03-2008, 07:26 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Ricky Fieldmouse View Post
Doctor Who is an Emmy award-winning British sci-fi series about an alien time traveller known as "The Doctor" who explores time and space, solving problems and righting wrongs.

The show has been on the air since 1963 on BBC One. Right now, the only way that us Americans can watch the show is if you have BBC America, buy the DVDs, or if you have one of the secret underground PBS stations that still air the old episodes. Or you can illegally download episodes like everyone else.

I'll edit this later and add more info.
Since we already had a thread about this show I'm merging this one with the original. Also, this looks very much like it started as a "Subject-Only" thread; please reread the rules concerning that topic.

I haven't seen any of the new episodes but I loved the original series, as I noted earlier. Could make for one heck of a big-screen production, especially if the Daleks were included.

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Old 04-25-2010, 02:01 AM   #10
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The only time I've ever watched Doctor Who was The End of Time Part 2, if only for that amazing piece of music Murray Gold did for when
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the Doctor regenerates.

I've heard of it, and the only things I know about the show are the theme song and the Daleks. Which reminds me...

I'm doing a collection of every single version of the Doctor Who theme, including the latest series with Matt Smith as the Doctor. Should I also include the version from the 1996 TV movie?
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