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Old 11-27-2007, 07:55 PM   #1
Lady of Brightwood
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Smile Milky Way and the Galaxy Girls

Here they are, Lauren Faust's Solar Sisterhood! They seem to be gaining popularity (yay!), so I figured it was about time someone start a thread just for them.

Milky Way is the sorority leader, and everyone greatly looks up to her. She likes making friends and traveling the universe to find them!

Sun is a star, and she knows it! She's got the most heavenly voice of all and won't hesitate to remind you that she really shines!

Mercury is a jock and loves to exercise. She's very fast, and despite the competition has quickly become the champion of the galaxy!

Venus is the goddess of dance! It's hard to take your eyes off this "Morning Star", but look even closer and you'll see her wittiness, too!

Moon is a brilliant poet, and her inspiration comes from her mood swings. Her talent to shine on her own almost makes her moodiness bearable.

Mars is an artist, even when it comes to her outfit! She sees the universe with a different perspective, but her weirdness is sure lovable.

Jupiter is a peace loving hippie-girl. She loves the environment, meditation, and the dozens of pets that orbit her. Particularly her dog Io and her cat Callisto.

Saturn is famous for all her rings, she's got a lot of them! But she's also known well for her parties. Attend one and she'll know how to turn a frown upside down.

Uranus is a prep, and a bit of a perfectionist. She loves science, and would like everyone to know that the scientific, and only acceptable, way to pronounce her name is "YOOR-en-us".

Neptune is Uranus' twin, but instead of books, loves the water! She likes to go with the flow, and is the most laid back member of the sorority.

Pluto is a rebel, and is known for being dark and cold, as is the rock she likes to play. But she loves all her pals to the max, and will stick up for them with brute force!

My personal favorites are Venus, Moon, Milky Way and Jupiter, because Venus, Moon and Jupiter are most like me, and Milky Way is, well, just so darned lovable! I also think Mars is real cute, and I like Uranus' outfit (I like the preppy plaid, heh).

You can find them all here! -->

And although as of now an official webstore isn't open yet, you can now order MW&tGG merchandise directly from Lauren from her blogspot, just in time for Christmas! -->

Oh, and don't forget the book! It's available at Amazon.

I intend this thread to be used to pass along updates about the Solar Sisterhood as they come around. And discussion about the products that we get. I certainly intend to get some eventually. I hope that's ok.
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Old 11-27-2007, 08:51 PM   #2
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I really hope Lauren is successful with these characters, they're great. It's might be a little too cutesy for my personal tastes BUT I can appreciate the talent behind them! I wish I could draw and color like that. As Lauren knows, The Moon is my favorite, I guess partly because she's less "cute" than the other girls but mostly because I think she's glamorous and pretty...and I like poetry. I almost minored in poetry at USC. I have to say too that I'm impressed that there's a ferret character, that's unusual. The last animated ferret I can think of was the one in the 101 Dalmations series. Anyways I have a signed copy of the book, a Moon postcard, and the green Mars shirt.

Last edited by Sparky; 11-27-2007 at 08:52 PM. Reason: typo
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Old 11-28-2007, 04:37 AM   #3
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I've helped stump for Lauren's Galaxy Girls as well. Lauren's a true talent and a charmer to boot.
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Old 11-28-2007, 05:19 AM   #4
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I don't know if I'll watch the show (I'll give it a try) but I do appreciate the artwork and imagination that's put into this project of Lauren's.
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Old 11-28-2007, 07:11 AM   #5
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Wow this is a show, now!? That took a while, I remember reading about the Galaxy Girls last year at some point (06). I always liked Moon & Uranus (regardless of how one pronounces her name!) but they're all well-designed characters. I bet Jupiter turns out to be popular with her 'satellites'.

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Old 11-28-2007, 08:32 AM   #6
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Of all those beautifully-designed characters, Jupiter seems to be the one most after my own heart. I'd love to have dozens of friendly animals orbiting me.

And yes, we definitely need more cartoon ferrets in this world. Delightful little creatures that rarely get any recognition, unless it's to play the bungling predator in some anthropomorphic storybook.

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Old 11-28-2007, 11:06 AM   #7
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Pluto looks pretty bada$$.

Sounds like an interesting show. Is it being shown on TV yet?
Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?
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Old 11-28-2007, 11:19 AM   #8
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Aww, this looks so cute! And awesome! Is it being made into an actual show, because I'd watch if it were.

Support Lauren Faust and retro girly cuteness!

Btw, jekylljuice, you're right. There should be more cartoon ferrets that are positive characters. I adore ferrets. They're playful, curious, charming creatures that would translate well in cartoon form.

And also, one of the characters is named Jupiter. Interesting conincidence, given the plot of Cassini the Movie revolves around another Jupiter lurking around Never Forgotten. Just a thought, and then I'll shut up about ]Cassini's movie.
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Old 11-28-2007, 12:39 PM   #9
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These girls rock! I love Pluto and Mars <3~ I should put the Pluto and Mars shirts on my x-mas list, they are soooo cute. Anyway, super good luck to Lauren with them
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Old 11-28-2007, 10:35 PM   #10
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I do kind of remember reading about a possibility for a future show, possibly from Lauren's blog a while back. But I haven't heard anything about it recently. Although it could always be a possibility in the future, as of now, I think they're just characters in her book and websight. I don't think there are any serious plans on making it a show (unless someone can prove me wrong).

I am sooooo wanting that Venus shirt, I like boat necklines and cap sleeves, I find them flattering. Wouldn't mind the Milky Way one, too. And I'd love me some more buttons to decorate my boring drab camel-back back pack that I use when I go hiking. I've got my Disney pins and Bloo and Cheese pins on it so far, but I must have more. I MUST!!
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