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Old 09-10-2010, 08:26 PM   #1
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Default Lucky's episode reviews

I am not reviewing these episodes in order BTW
Episode: Bye Bye Nerdy
Season: Two
Rating: TV-Y7 9.5/10

Summary: (from After beating Mac's high score in a video game, Bloo goes to rub it in his face at school. But he is horrified when he comes to the conclusion that Mac is a nerd. When Mac arrives, Bloo quickly works to make Mac cool, but none of their ideas work. But just as Mac says he doesn't care about being cool, the coolest kid in the school, Jamez Withazee tells him that the fact that he doesn't want to be cool, makes him cool, and invites him to 'The Rock.' As Mac is not at Foster's at 3 o' clock because Jamez tells him that Foster's is for nerds, Mr. Herriman is very quick to ensure that Bloo gets adopted. Now Bloo must find Mac, while at the same time avoiding adoption! Will bloo find Mac before he gets adopted?

A lot of people hate this episode. I don't, but I have to admit, Mac needed a hug in this one.. The kids laughing at Mac were really mean, but I will admit, Mac in his `80's getup was so funny and cute at the same time. Jamez Withaz really got on my nerves, though. And Bloo and thejuice boxes were HILARIOUS.

I remember taping this one when it premiered, and I really felt bad for Mac even more because back then I had a crush on him. . And at then end, I felt bad for Bloo, even though half the time he drives me nuts. My middle school guidence counseler loves this show, and this was actually the first one she saw (we used to have lunch once a week together and every two weeks we'd watch an episode). I would give this one 10/10 but it's not as "epic" as the others.

I also think everyone hates it is because there's a moral at the end. I seriously didn't mind it (I would if they tried drilling it into our heads like DiC would ).

And now, I got a little catchphrase from this episode: "ICY CHILL!" (which I have gloves of), and "Denile's not just another state in the union )

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Old 09-11-2010, 01:34 AM   #2
Another Castle
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I don't think Bye Bye Nerdy has it's own thread, so I'll briely ponder it here-

I heard quite a few negative things about this one before watching it, but I was plesantly suprised. It's not great but it had some good ideas such as the adoption queue (with the giant banner with "good" crossed out ) and I liked the scene where Bloo tried to run with the glasses (I hope I'm not giving too much away here). However, I did find it a bit preachy in some parts (Mac's speach especally). Still, overall, this episode tried something different and it seems pretty unique amounst others. And Mac's outfit was adorabbly goofy! (his head does look different without all that hair in the way-I didn't recognise him sometimes!)
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Old 12-04-2016, 02:22 PM   #3
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Thanks for the review on one of my favorite episodes.
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