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Old 05-24-2009, 04:16 AM   #1
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Default How Has Foster's Helped You Out?

Well, I was reminiscing all day yesterday about the years I've been watching Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends (I did it nostalgia came back when I went through some old toys, long story, I won't explain) and I've realized that without it, a lot of good things would not have happened to me.

I have many examples, but I'm not gonna make you read too much right now

1) Whenever I felt kinda depressed/had a heavy heart, I needed something to really cheer me up, and I would always play that song 'Talk To The Jeans' that Pizza Party sang in the episode 'Schlock Star' and it always made me laugh. Still does today

2) The second event is something that's happening now. My English teachers wants the class to write a Myth of Legend, and I'm basing mine of episode 75, 'Bloo Superdude and The Great Creator of Everything Awesome Fun Ceromony That He's Not Invited to' (I love the name of it ) and it's turning out to be one of my best essays (Not done with it yet)

How bout you guys?
To See My Foster's Home For Imaginary Friend's Tribute video, Click Here

Cheese: I have braces.
Mac: You found that on the ground, didn't you?
Cheese: Garbage can.

Imagination Never Dies...But if it did, the date would be May 3, 2009
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Old 05-24-2009, 06:58 PM   #2
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Foster's has definitely helped me when I feel depressed. It always makes me laugh, and just turning the show on fills me with comfort. The characters are like friends and when I'm watching them I don't feel so alone and scared when things aren't going so well. And my Bloo plushie is my favorite thing to hug when I'm down. He sure helped me out a lot last month.

If you want a weirder story, Foster's led me to look into getting to know the voice actors, particularly Sean, which led me to his MySpace page, on which I saw the words to the song "Hey There Delilah" by the Plain White Tees, which got me interested in that group, and when their newer song "One, Two, Three, Four" came out, an old friend of mine said she also loves that song, which led us to talking more and so now we're getting re-acquainted! So, I kind of gained a friend!

Of course I gained friends here, too.
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Old 12-23-2016, 09:51 PM   #3
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It's just a cartoon for me.
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