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Old 09-10-2006, 01:18 AM   #1
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Default So, how's life at school?

Let's all get together and discuss our lifes at school. I dunno about you guys, but there's never a dull moment at mine.

Okay, there's this one guy named Stewart who I sat next to. I think he's cute and I like him alot. He seems calm, quite....Stew doesn't like me like that, but than again I'm still the new kid, therefore he doesn't know me well enough too. Well, I told some of my girlfriends that I liked him. This other boy who goes by the name Shinky, he finds out about it. So, in math class, in front of everybody, he goes "Tonya and Stewart sittin in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g...".
I told him to shut up and he thought it was funny. Then a few days later, this little annoying brat Reggie, he looks back at my seat and asks me if I like Stew. I say yea, so he looks over at Stew and says, "Do you wanna go out with her? She liikes you!", and Stew litarlly scooted his desk over all the way across the room, away from me, and I heared him whisper to Reggie, "No, I would die".
I just died! I slumped over my math paper and and almost cried.
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Old 09-10-2006, 08:20 AM   #2
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That was cold. Very, very cold.
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Old 09-10-2006, 09:37 AM   #3
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I have no friends im a loner
im not anti-social if your all wondering im just really shy
*sniff* I miss my old school at leaste I had one friend and people I talk too
"True friends must be cherished beyond all worldly measure, for in our memory they shine brighter than gold and last longer than diamonds."

Last edited by kaytea; 09-10-2006 at 09:39 AM.
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Old 09-10-2006, 12:20 PM   #4
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I'm really shy too and I'm homeschooled! Well, I DO have these classes at another place I go to. I've got two friends, but they're both boys. Girls tend to not hang out with me because of my weirdness and love for anime and videogames.

Anyway, one of the two boys I hang out with I like a LITTLE more than a friend. He's really sweet, though, but he can't handle me. So I don't think he'll ever find out I like him until this silly little crush of mine passes.
And now, some of my favorite quotes!
SpongeBob: Oh, come on, Squidward. It could be worse!
Patrick: Yeah, you could be bald and have a big nose!
Eduardo: No, Senor Bloo! They es magic, not drive around in no car!
Bloo: Nope, he lost his magic; now he dresses like a lady, and the butterfly has legs and an afro.
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Old 09-10-2006, 01:15 PM   #5
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Yes, that was very cold. Of course, I still have a crush on Stewart, but it did hurt my feelings alot. The least thing he could have done was ATLEAST JUST simply say "No" and leave it at that. He didin't require scooting all the way across the room away from me.

And, I have a question, are you supposed to pop you're pimples? This one girl that I thought was kinda nice just turned around and told me I should pop my pimples. I told her that you weren't supposed to pop them, and she said something along the lines of "When they get like that, you do. You have to pop them when they make people feel like they'e gonna puke". And then she looked at another girl with better skin, while talking to me, and said "Why can't you make you're face look like hers?". I didin't think much about it then, but boy when I think about it now.....I'm gonna say something when I see her again. Then at lunch some other girls tell me I should get a makeover, get my hair permmed, ect...I tell them I don't have the money, and they tell me it's only 25 dollars.
25 dollars is a LOT of money to spend on HAIR when you don't have any income, and you can't even afford McDonalds, just to waste when you can buy real food that actually makes meals to last a week!
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Old 09-10-2006, 01:45 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by kaytea View Post
I have no friends im a loner
im not anti-social if your all wondering im just really shy
*sniff* I miss my old school at leaste I had one friend and people I talk too
You'll always have friends here. We all will.

Seems like everyone's encountering people that are best described by a word that the Forum rules prohibit. I guess some things about school never change, do they?

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.

Last edited by Cassini90125; 09-10-2006 at 01:46 PM.
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Old 09-10-2006, 02:07 PM   #7
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Aww Cassini that was sweet. And yes, kaytea, we're you're friends.
*grabs kaytea and sings* We are family! All of us are sisters, you see? We are family!
My babies -- (well he is number 1, dang it!).
He's cool, I mean c'moooooooooooooooon?
We ammigo!
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Best female cartoon ever. There should be more of these ladies.
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Old 09-10-2006, 02:50 PM   #8
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i really was know at my school. i was one of those kids who everyone knew, but ya never wanted to hang out with (maby it was cus your mom told you not to) and i was drawing fosters pictures %99 of the time. i always got straight A's in chemistry, but had a F in every other class. then i got kicked out.
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Old 09-10-2006, 03:14 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Tonya View Post
And, I have a question, are you supposed to pop you're pimples? This one girl that I thought was kinda nice just turned around and told me I should pop my pimples.
She is wrong. Very very wrong. Popping the pimples will (eventually) leave scars. The best treatment is just to wash your face with some good anti-bactreial(spelling?) soap and keep your skin clean. The pimples will soon fade and if you keep it up your skin will look great! *used to have very bad acne* And that 25 bucks can go to something more worthwhile than getting your hair done (and it will only look good for a few days also)

And ignore them all. Romantic relationships in Highschool fade and people WILL forget things that embaress you now. For example there used to be this preppy evil girl at my highschool (she made fun of me and stuff) but once we got into college and ended up in the same math class and started talking she said I was one of the coolest (and nicest) people she knew and she said she wished she had became my friend sooner.

If all else fails, remember if you get good grades and keep up a good personailty you wil make it a lot futher in life. (It was a good day for me when one of the people who teased me during highschool ended up sacking my groceries.)
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Old 09-10-2006, 04:09 PM   #10
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I'll try not to let them get to me. I'm friends with a lot of people in general though.
Thanks for you're advise.
My babies -- (well he is number 1, dang it!).
He's cool, I mean c'moooooooooooooooon?
We ammigo!
The every kid.
Best female cartoon ever. There should be more of these ladies.
Don't underestimate the power of wuv.
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