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Old 03-09-2009, 07:24 AM   #1
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Default Region 2 DVD Release

Just to let my fellow UK residents know that a Foster's Region 2 release date has (finally) been set for 30th of March this year. I did consider posting this in the pre-existing Season 1 DVD thread, but since it is technically a different DVD, I decided that it probably deserved a thread of its own. Here are the details below:

As much as it pleases me to finally see a Foster's DVD in Region 2, I've gotta say that I really don't like the method they've adopted here, ie: releasing the DVDs in volumes as opposed to seasons as a whole. Why they couldn't just release the same DVD as in Regions 1 and 4 but with Region 2 encoding is somewhat beyond me, but then I guess that this approach does give them the opportunity to squeeze a little more money out of their customers. Whether or not they'll actually finish what they started and release Volume 2 along with subsequent seasons is anyone's guess - I'm assuming that most hardcore Foster's fans in the UK will already have imported the relevant episodes from the Region 1 and 4 releases (I mean, it's been two years already), so I can't see this making too big a splash financially speaking. My guess is that it's going to find more of a market amongst parents and casual fans who'll see this on the shelves of supermarkets for three or four pounds and toss it into their trolleys more upon the basis of the price than the actual content.

Also, though this is probably the least of my quibbles with this release, I feel compelled to say that I really don't like the cover art. Compared to the art used on the standard Season One release, it's...awful. They've basically taken generic images of Bloo, Wilt and Mac and arranged them in the highly aesthetically uninspiring manner you'll see in the link above. I particularly dislike the wonky way in which they've positioned Wilt - he looks like he's about to keel over, for pete's sake.

So, unless this contains some really knock-out special features which weren't included on the Region 1 release (and I'm not exactly holding my breath where that's concerned), I'm unlikely to invest in this DVD myself, even for the sake of being a Foster's fan (what can I say, money's tight at the moment). But I thought it was worth starting a thread about it nonetheless, if only to alert other UK fans and prospective buyers to its existence. I'll let you know more details if I find them out.

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Last edited by jekylljuice; 03-09-2009 at 07:29 AM.
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Old 04-02-2009, 01:30 PM   #2
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I actually came across this earlier today in HMV. I didn't have too much time to spend looking over it but if I remember correctly, the episodes it contains are House of Bloo's, Store Wars and The Trouble with Scribbles. No special features to speak of.

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Old 10-28-2009, 10:05 AM   #3
Another Castle
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I have only just found this thread!

I remember reading about this release when it was announced, and was very pleased about it. Europe see's no Fosters merchandise at all (except for the Nintendo DS game), I assume the show is popular in the US, but is pretty obscure over here, the only people who have heard of it are children who have access to Cartoon Network.

I don't, and have relied on youtube and the downloads section for watching episodes. Other than that it is next to impossible for me to see them.

I live in the Netherlands (I'm British tho), but have lived in Scotland for four months this year (I arrived on 3rd May, when the final episodes were broadcast!). I bought the DVD as soon as I could find it, and am pleased with it.

I agree the cover art could have been much better, and I am disappointed by the lack of extras. I have also read every little about it on the internet.

Do we know if they are going to release more? lists another one, but has very little information. I don't know how popular the show is with British kids, it seems the only shows that get publicity/merchandise are High School Musical and Ben 10.

Seasons 1, 2 and 3 are all available on iTunes.
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Old 04-02-2010, 11:38 PM   #4
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I very rarely see copies of this available in public- I'm thinking it didn't sell much. I think, in the UK, Fosters was quite popular with kids 2004-06, when there was a bit of publicity for it, but I think it has fell into obscurity.
However, I've looked about Amazon and there are more DVDs available in Germany (carrying on with season one). Obviously the boxes and first language of there are German, but one can assume it is more popular out there
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Old 12-14-2016, 11:53 PM   #5
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Not a bad price.
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