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Old 10-26-2007, 07:49 AM   #1
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Default Something I was wondering about.

Ya, my first thread. Ahem, anyway.

I saw the screen grabs for Better Off Ed. Unfortunately I missed the ep, stupid cable. Anyway seeing the friends in the nursery made me wonder something.

Is it possible to adopt an imaginary friend? Not as an imaginary friend, mind you, but as a son or daughter? Take the imaginary friends in the nursery, for example. What if a couple, unable to have children of their own were visiting the mansion one day, for whatever reason. What if they saw these cute little imaginary friends and wanted to legally adopt one?

Would something like that even be possible and if so, how difficult would it be?

I, personally don't see it as beeing illegal to adopt an imaginary friend as a child, mainly because nobody ever considered the matter before. And in the show, kids who create imaginary friends are technically considered to be their parents. After Mac thought he created Cheese, he called him Bloo's brother.

But, there's the other point, what kind of life would an imaginary friend in that position lead? Oh, I imagine their home life would be good enough, but what about in public? We've seen how Mac's teacher treated imaginary friends in Emancipating complication, so I doublt public school would be an option. In fact, we've never actually seen imaginary friends attending school in the show.

I can almost imagine Foster's organizing a form of home school system for Imaginary Friends. And heck, you have to admit Mr. Heriman would fit perfectly in the category of stuffy old teachers, who talk for hours on end and put everyone to sleep with boring lecturs. And goodness knows no one could top Wilt as a basketball coach.

So, what do you think?
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Old 10-26-2007, 09:10 AM   #2
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Those are some really great points you brought up there. I've wondered myself whether or not only families with children could adopt Imaginary Friends, or if a childless couple could do so. That had brought up a similar discussion awhile back(might have even been on the old forum) as to whether a single adult could adopt an Imaginary Friend. It seems to me that regardless of how many people are in the family, or whether there are children, there will always be the potential for abuse of the one being adopted. It also brings up the question as to whether or not any family could adopt an Imaginary Friend permanently, not just until their child got tired or him/her or got "too old". Most adoptions seem to be temporary, but I have to wonder if there would ever be families who would grow to love their adopted IF as a family member, and not every want to give them up and send them back to Foster's when the kids got "too old". Would the IF be happy in that situation, especially the ones that are really child-like, no longer having kids to play with once those in the family grew up, or would they be satisfied simply being nurtured by the adults as though they were the biological offspring? It would be ashame if a human couple really loved an Imaginary child(not just the "babies" in the nursury, but say, one that LOOKED like a human child, like the "spotted-tongue" version of Mac that Goo created), and had to give him/her back once their kids reached a certain age.

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Old 10-26-2007, 03:02 PM   #3
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Oh, yeah, I had almost forgotten about the imaginary Mac. That leads me to wonder, how close to a human being can an imaginary friend look? I mean the imaginary Mac got pretty close, except for the tongue. And Frankie actually thought Goofball McGee was a human.

I wonder if there are imaginary friends close enough to actually pass for a human. I know Goofball did, but only until his trunk was revealed. Who knows, some of the kids we've seen on the show might not be kids, after all.
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Old 10-26-2007, 03:54 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by MaxJ1800 View Post
Oh, yeah, I had almost forgotten about the imaginary Mac. That leads me to wonder, how close to a human being can an imaginary friend look? I mean the imaginary Mac got pretty close, except for the tongue. And Frankie actually thought Goofball McGee was a human.

I wonder if there are imaginary friends close enough to actually pass for a human. I know Goofball did, but only until his trunk was revealed. Who knows, some of the kids we've seen on the show might not be kids, after all.

Prince Charming(from "Frankie My Dear") sure looked-and ACTED-totally human, except for the clothes, but he obviously wasn't absolutely required to wear just that outfit, since he did change into drag(not his idea, though, clearly)in order to help spoil Frankie's date with Dylan. I don't think that anyone would have known that he was an Imaginary Friend, though, even with the princely clothes and the horse, but probably would have figured he was just this human guy who was a cup and saucer short of a full place setting. He definately had at least ONE of the primary interests as most young adult male humans, that's for sure!

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Old 10-26-2007, 06:21 PM   #5
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Now that I think about it, I wonder whatever happened to the Imaginary Mac, anyway. I don't tink he's been seen since Bus the Two of Us. I wonder if Mac thinks it's weird, having an imaginary friend running around that looks almost exactly like him. That could get confusing, too. Imagine if people mistake the real Mac for the Imaginary Mac, or vice versa, that could lead to some very interesting situations.
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Old 10-28-2007, 11:19 AM   #6
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I could see that happening. Though, my question is would an IF be allowed in regular school? I mean you could be right about the home school thing, but it wouldn't be fair.
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Old 10-28-2007, 02:42 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Invader Bloo View Post
I could see that happening. Though, my question is would an IF be allowed in regular school? I mean you could be right about the home school thing, but it wouldn't be fair.
Maybe there might be imaginary schools and human schools.
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Old 10-28-2007, 04:00 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by antgirl1 View Post
Maybe there might be imaginary schools and human schools.
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Old 10-28-2007, 06:52 PM   #9
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Uh...I don't really think too hard about these things, but there must be something about all of this stuff that just hasn't and probably won't be revealed to us.
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Old 10-28-2007, 09:02 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Sama-chan View Post
Uh...I don't really think too hard about these things, but there must be something about all of this stuff that just hasn't and probably won't be revealed to us.
Neither do I; even though there's nothing wrong with asking such questions. IMO, I highly doubt they'll ever answer those questions.

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