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Old 04-27-2007, 08:18 AM   #1
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Default When Junk Attacks Glitch

Is anyone else having a problem with the 2nd level of When Junk Attacks? When the hopping junk pieces fall from the top platform to the next platform down they get stuck and don't move. When they are in the middle of this plaform you can't jump up underneath them because it is too high from the ground level. I had three of the hoppers get stuck in the middle of the second platform (from the top) and there was nothing I could do. Sometimes an Eduardo thingy pops up and I can use that to flip over the hoppers, or a tire (invincibility) thingy. Otherwise you just run out of time or one of the bombs get you. It is really exasperating because I can't get higher than 2300 points. And this problem is only for the hoppers landing on the 2nd platform. There is also a couple times where I killed a magnet, but instead of disappearing, it started floating around the junkyard. I have not had any problems with any other game, just this one.
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Old 04-27-2007, 11:34 AM   #2
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I played Game 2 of When Junk attacks on three accounts and and never experienced this issue. I suspect it may be related to you having LAG due to a high CPU load. other symptoms of this are things being slightly jumpy instead of smooth.

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Old 04-27-2007, 04:33 PM   #3
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Default Glitch

But why would only type piece of junk be affected. The magnets and spiders move fine and never get stuck. It is only the hopping junk that gets stuck and only on that one platform. It's gotta be something other than CPU related lag in my opinion. But I will try the game on another computer to see if it happens again.
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Old 04-27-2007, 05:52 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Divelucaya View Post
But why would only type piece of junk be affected. The magnets and spiders move fine and never get stuck. It is only the hopping junk that gets stuck and only on that one platform. It's gotta be something other than CPU related lag in my opinion. But I will try the game on another computer to see if it happens again.
I have played Game 2 at least 15 times, over the past 2 weeks. and I have never experienced the same issue you described.

But I have had CPU lag at times. Usually the game runs smooth despite the high CPU load. however I have had other minigames do funny things for no reason. for example I fell through the floor of the All washup game. I fell off the board of both Go goo go and balloon attack. these were not CPU related glitches but they were syncronization issues.

either way hopefully you can solve the problem. you did not say wether the game was choppy or very smooth. if it is choppy you may be able to get past the issue by reducing your running processes. Most Windows machines should have about 10-15 processes running, When the machine is optimized and only running neccisary things. I usually have over 60 processes running, because I am too lazy to optimize unless I want to play a newer game like Half Life2 Episode 1.

either way good luck hopefully using a different machine, or a different browser helps.

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Old 04-28-2007, 08:20 AM   #5
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Default When Junk Attacks

Thanks Montitech for all your help. I tried playing the game on my laptop and did not experience any problems Friday night. I made it to 3100 points. Saturday, there must of been some CPU lag when I tried to play as the problem happened again, but not as bad as the hoppers would stick but eventually start moving again. After playing a couple times I made it over 3200 points so I got all my gifts and now I am done playing this exasperating game. Not really looking forward to level 3.

You asked if there was any jerkiness when I played the game on my desktop and the answer is no. The game ran smooth except the problems with the sticking hoppers. I have never really experienced any jerkiness with any of the games or doing chores/favors throughout the house which would indicate CPU lag, but regardless, I have completed level 2 of WJA and I am happy about that.

Thanks again for your feedback and help.
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Old 04-28-2007, 07:18 PM   #6
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it is a strange occurance that you are experiacing. particularly since it has been reoccuring and you do not have any symptoms of the CPU lag. oh well, Game 3 is not that bad, it is basically the same as game2 so you may experience the same issue and need to play it on your other host. the main difference is bloo comes out on game three and dumps some greese onto a platform. you can hit him from underneeth, but I found most of the time it is managable to ignore him, even if he greeses the platform your playing on.

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Old 05-02-2007, 05:25 AM   #7
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I really don't know if CPU lag was the problem as I checked CPU usage during the game and it never went higher than 55%. Maybe some other interference with Shockwave although, as I mentioned before, this was the only game with a problem. I did play Level 3 and completed it in less attempts than Level 2. It seems like sometimes when you play there are more occurences of certain bonuses, like Eduardo or extra lives, than others. I just happened to play once where the tire kept appearing which helped me overcome the problem of the sticky hoppers.
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Old 05-02-2007, 06:07 AM   #8
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glad you made it past that.

The power ups are completly random, in fact I was given lives even when my lives were full.

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Old 07-15-2007, 12:48 PM   #9
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After finally unlocking when junk attacks, I ran into issues as well. After reading this thread, it appears that the issue i'm having with an EXTREMELY choppy game play would best be diagnosed as CPU lag, but I think there's a deeper issue. None of the other games are laggy for me, my CPU is hardly bogged down and my connection is not maxed out. Has anyone else experienced severely choppy game play with only this game?
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Old 07-16-2007, 10:12 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by BollaRice View Post
After finally unlocking when junk attacks, I ran into issues as well. After reading this thread, it appears that the issue i'm having with an EXTREMELY choppy game play would best be diagnosed as CPU lag, but I think there's a deeper issue. None of the other games are laggy for me, my CPU is hardly bogged down and my connection is not maxed out. Has anyone else experienced severely choppy game play with only this game?
I have not noticed it, but I have not played that game for a while.

For the most part issues like this are common on games that work in virtual machines, IT could be anything happining in the backround.

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