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Old 04-30-2007, 02:25 PM   #1
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Default Pixar To Do Live Action

In what seems to be an astounding turn of events, Brad Bird, director of The Incredibles and the upcoming Ratatouille, has confirmed that his next film will be live action. The twist: the movie is being produced by Pixar.

The new movie is John Carter of Mars. Based on a series of books by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the movie chronicles the adventures of a Confederate soldier who ends up on Mars. The film has seen many producers and has seen at least 2 other studios before ending up at Pixar.

Anyway, here's the newss story that confirms it.

What do you think?
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Old 04-30-2007, 03:02 PM   #2
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I suppose it'll be the new line of hybrid animated/live movies. The last last decade or so, movies have gone crazy and explored some real fascinating directions in this area. Funny to think it begun with Mary Poppins etc. I'll be glad to see what comes of this adventure. As for the source material(ERB), well that's classic and probably deserves the attention it will recieve from this.

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Old 04-30-2007, 03:56 PM   #3
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huh that was wierd. I tried editing my post but it just sat in limbo for a while. had to delete it. Anyway...

no Frazetta's not working on the project but,

yes i've been following this movie for a few years online, but i gave up when they put it on the back burner in favor of yet another Star Trek flick. I'm hugely excited about this movie!
Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?
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Old 05-01-2007, 05:07 AM   #4
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Question Eh?

OK, I'm officially really confused, because I'd heard about this project before on Ain't It Cool News, back at the start of April, The catch; it was confirmed to have been part of an elaborate April Fool's by the news blog Upcoming Pixar. ???

If you scroll down to the bottom of this page from Upcoming Pixar's April archive, you can see the two-part April Fool's post (the first stating that the blog had been purchased by Disney to be the official Pixar blog, the second revealing the John Carter of Mars project as the site's first announcement under the new agreement), and for further reference, here's the corresponding news item from AICN's Moriarty. I saw both of these articles after they had already been debunked as pranks, so I didn't think any more of it.

Yet now this! It's now May 1st, so it's waaay too late to be a joke this first instinct was that Daily Bulletin had merely picked up on the month-old prank and ran it without checking, but then they went and actually got a quote from Bird that seems to confirm it! Could this April Fool's joke have somehow miraculously come true? Frankly, I'm baffled over here...I'm guessing from the sounds of things that Upcoming Pixar's original April Fool's story was itself constructed from a number of strong rumours circualating at the time, hence its believability; it seems now at least some of those rumours have proven to have substance. Having said that, I'm still not sure how much of this might still be conjecture or misinformation; it doesn't seem like Bird himself actually said anything about John Carter of Mars, so I wonder if that's just a flawed leap of logic on Daily Bulletin's part...

In any case, this is a development worth monitroing. For my part, I'm interested in anything and everything Pixar and Bird so I'll be all over this if it's true, but for now I'm going to wait and see...
Well, well, well; if it isn't...
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Old 05-01-2007, 05:22 AM   #5
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I saw those articles too. So count me as being as surprised as you. If it is true, and I'm hoping it it, just wow!

In other Bird news, it seems he's been recently attached to 1906, a movie about the SF earthquake in 1906. This idea has been going around for awhile. I remember hearing about it at the beginning of the millenium when Liz Smith hailed the idea as the Titanic of the new millenium. After being shelved for years the idea was turned into a novel. But now it seems it has new life as an actual feature film once more. Whatever the outcome, I'll see it if bird's attached.
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Old 05-01-2007, 05:32 AM   #6
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This a far cry from what Pixar is known for.

I wonder why they decided to change what they're known for and do something that can be considered risky?

In any case, I decided to save up my own criticism until I see the film (or the trailer for the matter).
See ya!

Last edited by emperor26; 05-01-2007 at 05:33 AM.
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Old 05-01-2007, 09:29 AM   #7
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What.... it... This is like if the Coca-Cola Company announced they were going to start selling milk.
"(NOTE: these companies are from the country that makes the best video games: JAPAN!)"

Last edited by kageri; 05-01-2007 at 09:29 AM.
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Old 05-01-2007, 11:41 AM   #8
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Ugh, live-action from Pixar? Come on, Pixar -- don't sell out.

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Old 05-01-2007, 12:18 PM   #9
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You'd be surprised how many things Coca-Cola and Pepsi are tied up in, Kageri.

ORD, it's not so much selling out as trying to expand. We wouldn't have many of the shows and movies we all love if Disney decided to stay on just animation. No, the thing that is most worrisome is quality control. We have to hope they don't spread themselves too thin with a live-action production arm.

I have faith in people like Lasseter and Bird.
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Old 05-01-2007, 12:43 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by AerostarMonk View Post
ORD, it's not so much selling out as trying to expand. We wouldn't have many of the shows and movies we all love if Disney decided to stay on just animation. No, the thing that is most worrisome is quality control. We have to hope they don't spread themselves too thin with a live-action production arm.

I have faith in people like Lasseter and Bird.
To me, this like Cartoon Network adding live-action shows to the network. Lasseter and Bird may have done good things in the past, that doesn't mean, however, that this idea will be one of them. Right now, I am very skeptical of this move.

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