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Old 01-07-2007, 02:49 PM   #1
Mr. Marshmallow
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Default Cartoon Attraction

If you've been to the "Ticks off" thread then you'll know what this is about, cassini suggested it so I did it. This thread is basically for those of you who feel a mature, emotional, or let's be blunt: sexual attraction to cartoon, animated, or anime females and males.

I want to know do you guys think this is wrong? Is it wrong for an older person or a mature person ala teens, 20's, 30's etc to like cartoons or possibly even be attracted to them? Alot of people today believe that adults watching toons somehow labels them as depraved perverts with no life or any kind of sanity.

They think it's a depraved attempt at love like in the vein of parodied geeks fawning over cardboard cut outs or photographs of their favorite celebrities or the fictional charatcers celebs portray. I personally think there is NOTHING wrong or sick or "twisted" with liking a cartoon female or male.

I have many toon girls I'm attracted to and I think there's nothing wrong with it, people can fantasize about dating super models and people like Nicole Kidman, how is being drawn to a toon girl or guy any different? You guys know how I feel, now how do the rest of you feel?
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Old 01-07-2007, 02:56 PM   #2
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The same way you do. Let's keep the emphasis way off sex in here, though, okay, gang? Anyway, I don't see any difference between being attracted to a cartoon and being attracted to some Hollywood star.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

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Old 01-07-2007, 03:00 PM   #3
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I don't find it anymore strange or wrong than finding a live-action character attractive, since they aren't real, either. Both live-action and animated characters are the creations of writers, actors/actresses, directors, producers, etc. The main difference is that additional steps are required to bring an animated character "to life", as it were. I think that the reason that some people find certain characters, live-action or animated, so attractive is that the characters represent what they consider to be the Ideal Mate. I know that from MY perspective, Wilt embodies most of the traits I would consider positive in the opposite sex, and I can gather the same from much of what I've read of males' perspective of Frankie! It's much more, in either case, than a matter of finding the character physically attractive.

One of the things I've noticed-and Cassini has brought this up, too-is that the biggest critics of those who DO find animated characters attractive are usually teenagers, who are too full of their own overblown sense of maturity. Anyone who basically thinks different from them has to be "messed up". This view is, of course, part of the fact that they have had little, if any, experience in relationships or life in general, but THINK that they have suddenly acquired all the Knowledge In the World, so therefore they are smarter than the rest of us, and what THEY think is the ONLY reality, period. I can certainly recall having been part of that league myself, of thinking that I had suddenly, by virtue of having come of an age that ended in the suffix "-teen", gotten remarkably smarter than my elders overnight, and that actual experience, gotten over time, meant nothing. I went through a stage where the mere thought of watching anything animated would have made me scoff-only little kids and losers watched "cartoons"! It's ironic that it took age and time and REAL experiences to make me think otherwise! I know that on the IMDb forums, we have had our share of kids who thought that anyone that found animated characters attractive was a pervert-I wonder if Tonya can remember "CopDude", who's constant attacks on Wilt's female fans finally got him banned completely from IMDb!


Last edited by pitbulllady; 01-07-2007 at 03:16 PM.
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Old 01-07-2007, 03:06 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Cassini90125 View Post
The same way you do. Let's keep the emphasis way off sex in here, though, okay, gang? Anyway, I don't see any difference between being attracted to a cartoon and being attracted to some Hollywood star.
By sex I didn't mean as in "wanting to have sex" more like the draw, the appeal, the attraction that people feel in other toons and what not.
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Old 01-07-2007, 03:13 PM   #5
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I know, I just wanted to make it clear for everybody else.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.
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Old 01-07-2007, 03:29 PM   #6
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Frankie is more real and more pure to me than most real-life female celebrities. There, I said it. She has true heart and warmth, things that seem to have become extinct amongst many real girls these days. Her attractive physical looks are, IMO, an external reflection of the wonderful person she truly is. I'd rather be happy having genuine affection for a fictional character like her instead of feeling dishonest by forcing myself into a real-life relationship just to fit in with the 'socially acceptable norms' of modern society.

I understand some people take their love of cartoon/anime characters to troubling(and even psychotic) extremes, but the same can be said for almost anything. It's really ignorant and unfair to stereotype everybody who loves a cartoon character as being 'sick' or 'twisted'.

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Old 01-07-2007, 04:27 PM   #7
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"You know who i'd really like to"...

Just kidding Cass

i don't think its really that strange, i'm attracted to Frankie because she is a representation of ideals, i wish i could find a girl like her. Absolutley the greatest personality ever, and a total goddess so far as beauty goes. I knew a girl like her, exactly like her, but she moved to Florida a few weeks ago. I am never going to get over that.
Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?

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Old 01-07-2007, 04:55 PM   #8
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There's nothing wrong with loving a cartoon. I'm not sexually attracted to them but if I'm facing a dilemma, my first thoughts are usually gee, what would Cartoon Character X do? SCOOBY DOO HAS NEVER STEERED ME WRONG! XD

Last edited by Jabberwocky; 01-07-2007 at 04:57 PM.
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Old 01-07-2007, 05:23 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Jabberwocky View Post
I'm not sexually attracted to them but if I'm facing a dilemma, my first thoughts are usually gee, what would Cartoon Character X do? SCOOBY DOO HAS NEVER STEERED ME WRONG! XD
I was drinking Sprite. THANKS A LOT.

Anyways, forgive me if I'm not entirely coherent since my brain is gone today, but basically (and I think I've said this before but now that there's a thread for it, here it is again): there are a lot of celebrities that I think are physically attractive, but... well, that's it. I've only seen the glitz and Hollywood glamour and the scandals. Celebrities are not "real" to me. Of course they are real and have feelings just like other people, but we don't "know" them. All we see of them aside from their made-up modeling/acting/singing/TV hosting/okay seriously what does Paris Hilton do I really don't know selves is "NICOLE RICHIE ATE A HAMBURGER!" and "BRAD AND ANGELINA -- THIS ONE'S FROM YUGOSLAVIA!" articles, blurry photos, misconstrued quotes from interviews and the like.

But we see fictional characters when they're sad, we see them when they're happy, we see them when they're jealous and scheming for all the wrong reasons and when they've just woken up and their good days and bad days. Now, I'm not saying that fictional characters are real or should be considered as such -- I merely find it easier to get attached to someone whose daily life and ups and downs and entire personality we see, be they real or no, than to someone who is 50% plastic and always has to be on the lookout for the paparazzi.
"(NOTE: these companies are from the country that makes the best video games: JAPAN!)"
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Old 01-07-2007, 06:30 PM   #10
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I feel that there is nothing wrong with being attracted with a cartoon character at all. Yes it CAN be taken too far, but we are better than that. It's already been said beutifuly by Vox about why Frankie is so wonderful but I'll try and use my own words.
I fell in love with Frankies character because she houses all the traits that I look for in a woman. She's kind, loveing, patiant (mostly ) and accepting. Her voice also appeals to me greatly and I would love to hear it everyday. Frankies appearance, while stylized since she IS a cartoon, is also pleasing to me because she isant trying to be hot or sexy. She's pretty, wich is what I like.
I've been attracted to many female cartoon characters before. I used to be very attracted to Sango from Inuyasha for many of the same reasons that I love Frankie for but nowhere near the same amount. She was more of a crush where Frankie is, dare I say, a genuin love.
Now I want to show how I COULD take my love of Frankie too far (nothing rule breaking ofcourse). Since she is pretty much the ideal woman to me, and I have her in a sence dosent mean that I have given up on real woman. While I hope to find a lady very much like Frankie, I'm not looking for her reallife equivalant. I happen to chat with a very lovely and kind lady on another board who happens to be very much like Frankie in both looks and personality but I'm not going to start stalking her or hounding her, besides she's already spoken for.
I know that I'll find Mrs. Right someday but I'll always have Frankie in my heart... and on the season dvds when they get released.
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