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Old 12-27-2006, 12:38 AM   #1
Settling In
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Default Scrubs

Does anyone follow this show? It's one of my favorites. I love its wacky narrative style, its characters (The Janitor and Dr. Cox are awesome) and how it can perfectly blend comedy and drama (My Screw-Up is the only episode of any TV show ever in which I've actually cried).

And just because I don't know how to end this post and it just feels too short and pointless, here's the Always Inevitable Favorite Quote!

"You know, Bob, I've been thinking about all the times that you've manipulated me and toyed with me and, well, I can't help but recall that children's fable about the race between the tortoise and the Pain In The Ass Chief Of Medicine That Everybody Hates. You see, Bob, the Pain In The Ass Chief Of Medicine That Everybody Hates kept running out in front of the tortoise and taunting him, but, right at the end, gosh, I'm sure you remember what happened, Bob. The tortoise bit clean through the Chief Of Medicine's calf muscle and dragged him to the ground where he and all the other turtles devoured him alive right there on the racetrack. It's a... disturbing children's book, Bob, I know, but it's one that's stuck with me nonetheless."
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Old 12-27-2006, 07:34 AM   #2
Imaginary Light
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I love this show! Turk and J.D. are the best gay-but-not-really "couple" on TV (I know they're only best friends ). Every episode of this show always manages to crack me up.

"Let me paint you a picture with my imagination brush." - J.D.
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Old 12-27-2006, 08:27 PM   #3
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I just love this show! Carla is my favorite character.

Favorite quote of mine:
"No matter where you go in life, always keep an eye out for Johnny the tackling Alzheimer's patient."
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Old 12-28-2006, 03:02 PM   #4
Imaginary Light
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Originally Posted by PinkCow View Post
I just love this show! Carla is my favorite character.

Favorite quote of mine:
"No matter where you go in life, always keep an eye out for Johnny the tackling Alzheimer's patient."
(as he's flying through the air) "WHO AM I?!" XD

Last edited by Imaginary Light; 12-28-2006 at 03:02 PM.
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Old 12-28-2006, 07:46 PM   #5
Mr. Marshmallow
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Scrubs really is a fantastic show, it's like a living breathing cartoon show. Like Family Guy in RL, and I'm hoping Zach braff stays on the show. Even though he is getting bigger and bigger with his voice acting with Disney and directing.

I think Dr. Cox and Kelso rule the most, they always have some of the best lines. I particuarly loved this one when Cox was talking to heather Graham:

"Lady, people aren't chocolates. Do you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard fillings. But I don't find them half as annoying as I find naive bubble-headed optimists who walk around vomiting sunshine".

Or this one:

"I don't want to hear anything out of that man's mouth other than Oh no, I'm dying, there's a bright light, but wait a minute, this is wrong, I'm in hell! Hitler, Musollini... Captain Kangaroo? That's not right"

And I wouldn't be much of a geek if I didn't post this little gem:

Chris Turk: Awww... Where's my lucky Tabasco rag?
J.D.: Why don't you use Power Rangers?
Chris Turk: How are Power Rangers as lucky as Tabasco?
J.D.: Do you remember when communications with Zordon went down and the Megazord was destroyed?
Chris Turk: How did I miss that episode? Oh, right. I was making love to a woman!
J.D.: Power Rangers ho!
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Old 12-29-2006, 01:29 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow View Post
"I don't want to hear anything out of that man's mouth other than Oh no, I'm dying, there's a bright light, but wait a minute, this is wrong, I'm in hell! Hitler, Musollini... Captain Kangaroo? That's not right"
That entire episode is hysterical.

Cox: Fine, I'm gonna go ahead and tell ya how it ends. Dr. Phil says "And how. Is that workin' out. For you." And the big fat lady cries. WAH. All right, I'm sure you're wondering why I accepted the position of residency director considering my disdain for, well... all of you. Is it the extra four dollars a week in my paycheck? Or is it the fact that I finally have a chance to make a difference in this god-forsaken hell-hole? It's all about the four dollars, trust me. And seeing as my money is contingent on you lemmings actually doing your jobs, I'd say that now's a pretty good time for you to scurry on back to work so that I can continue to afford the antidepressants that keep me so damn jolly. Ha-ha-ha-ha! GO!

Kelso: If your grandmother were here, wouldn't you want her doctor to spend as much time with her as he does with anyone else?
J.D.: Grandma Dorian, or Nana Hobbes? Because Nana Hobbes can be an eensy bit racist.
Kelso: Grandma Dorian.
J.D.: She's dead.

Kelso: Perry, the fact that these residents are spending most of their time buzzing around that one patient makes me think that you told them to disobey a direct order from me.
Cox: Bob Kelso, that's just not true. Here, I told them to disregard all direct orders from you.

Kelso: Dr. Cox knows it too, although damned if he doesn't disagree with me just because I said it.
J.D.: Sir, I don't think that's true.
Kelso: Perry! It's hotter than hell in here!
Cox: Freezing!
Kelso: Great coffee, though!
Cox: Rat piss!
Kelso: Dr. Murphy is an incompetent suck-up!
Cox: No, Bob. In fact, he's one of the finest young doctors I've ever had the good fortune of working with.

J.D.: Danni, we need to move on! No more thinking about our exes; no more waiting for the phone to ring; no more stealing her purse just so you can return it later in the hopes that she'll be so grateful she'll use the money recovered to buy you a drink and maybe have sex with you after.
Danni: Did that work?
J.D.: I stole the wrong purse... And yes!

Cox: Oh, Angela!
J.D. (to a nearby girl): Oh, I think he means me, Angela.

Kelso: Don't get me wrong, you had me worried there was gonna be a bunch of young Dr. Coxes roaming the halls, calling me "Bobbo", shaving my genitals when I pass out at the Christmas party...
Cox: Tradition is tradition, Bob.
Kelso: Yeah... Then I remembered that you've been here over ten years, and there's not a single disciple of yours to be found. And you know why?
Cox: You told 'em this exact same story and bored 'em to death?

J.D.'s Narration: No one knew her last name, no one remembered seeing her. I started to wonder if Danni was even real. I guess that's the thing about life. You don't really-
Danni: Hey, J.D.
J.D.: Excuse me!
J.D.'s Narration: -you don't really get many second chances.

Last edited by Starsky; 12-29-2006 at 03:57 AM.
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Old 01-05-2007, 01:53 PM   #7
"C" the Dragon
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I don't watch much of the show, but my parents LOVE it! I mean, they have, so far, ALL the season DVDs! Seasons 1-5 (or 6)! But I think this show is funny, too. This show even have parts when you don't know when to laugh or cry. Like the part when some person died, the scene suddenly changed into an empty room with but a woman in it and started to sing something. Then everyone else starts to sing, except J.D., who is surprised. Then everything starts to go back to normal. So... yeah. But I like the show.
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Old 01-05-2007, 07:25 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by "C" the Dragon View Post
Like the part when some person died, the scene suddenly changed into an empty room with but a woman in it and started to sing something. Then everyone else starts to sing, except J.D., who is surprised. Then everything starts to go back to normal.
Oh that part made me cry! The woman said when she died, she hoped it was like the ending of a Broadway musical. But it was really a random thing to happen in a show, even though I thought it was really sad.

Man, I love Scrubs! So randomly funny/sad/weird, all at once. Bizarre in a caring way!
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