I've never had the heart to give them a hard time. They're just trying to do their job. I simply don't answer the phone if my caller ID says it's a service call. I'd hate to have their job.
Speaking of jobs, maybe it's not so much my job that's ticking me off right now as the economy. But as my fellow American's know, this is one of the busiest shopping weeks of the year (the week of Thanksgiving for those not in the States). My company is working on the bare minimum of staff and supplies in order to save as much money as we can and not go in debt like so many other companies are. We don't expect it to be as busy this year as we've been in previous years either. But that doesn't mean we'll be so slow, only
one cashier will be plenty for three and a half hours the morning of Black Friday!!
And of course, that cashier is me. I'm going to pull my hair out, throw it on the ground, stomp on it, and cry. I'm not looking forward to it at all. And in fact, I'm worried sick about handling things all alone for that long.

It's so ridiculous, it just doesn't make sense. For crying out loud, it's