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Old 11-23-2008, 12:40 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Cassini90125 View Post
Found this summary on Wikipedia earlier:

Given that this is from Wikipedia it's accuracy is questionable but I really hope the movie isn't going to use Frankie as a stereotypical "damsel in distress", as was done far too often with Daphne on Scooby-Doo. It's tiresome, cliched, and would personally be a little hard to take.
Most likely, given the sense of humor of the writers, Frankie is in no actual danger at all, but is probably doing something mundane like cleaning out an old cedar chest, and Mac, Bloo and rest, a la "Make Believe It Or Not", turn that situation into an adventure(Wilt probably gets reluctantly dragged into this one, just like in "MBION"). I don't want to see another helpless Frankie-as-damsel-in-distress(as in "TLP")again myself, since it's totally OOC for her.

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