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Old 11-23-2008, 12:04 PM   #39
Lady of Brightwood
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Is it in the character of Craig and Co. to put Frankie in a "damsel in distress" situation? I dunno, what I'm expecting is Frankie to be "sucked" into this Imaginationland, and sure, at first she doesn't know what to do or think and may be a bit worried (I know I'd be). But she'd figure things out and probably play the game by doing quests or something in order to find her way out. And I imagine for the most part she's enjoying herself while at it. She's neither hoping for or expecting for anyone to come "rescue" her. It's the rest of the Foster's gang who find out what happened that freak out and they want to do whatever it takes to help. I also kind of expect an surprising twist near the end, which will no doubt be fun and exciting. We may be learning fast not to trust CN, but I'm confident we can still trust Craig and Co. in not to disappoint the fans. They recognize the fact that they have fans of all ages.
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