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Old 11-21-2008, 04:19 PM   #1722
Undisputed Ruler of Terrencania
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I mod on an rp forum that started in June/July, and the admin vanished completely in September. I've basically been running it, but without full access to the admin cp, we're pretty much crippled. Not that the rp has begun yet, but this certainly isn't helping! Anyways I've offered to set up the forum anew elsewhere (either on a free forum site or on my own website with like, phpbb) and have gotten NO feedback from anyone, including the other mod, who last I talked to him is still waiting for the admin to come back. You kow what, even if the admin does come back, what gives him the right to reclaim the reigns after disappearing for so long?? He's never been what I'd call a good admin anyways (plus his character is the biggest Gary Stu I've ever seen), he so does not deserve the privelege of running that game if it does pick up. Not that I need to admin yet another forum though. So I'm conflicted on if I should press the issue. It has the potental to be a great game though, and the other mod is a fantastic writer.

Anyways that's the kind of crap that happens when an admin abandons their forum, fhf. It becomes a pain in a bunch of other people's butts.
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