Originally Posted by fosters home fan
The same admin on the same (other) forum.
He recently said that he was going to leave the forum, however, there are no other admins to run it. hence, the place would probably shut down later.
Might be your chance to step up. What kind of forum is it, anyway?
Originally Posted by fosters home fan
He also randomly banned a newer member for 90 days due to two spelling errors. Harsh much?
Two spelling errors = 90-day suspension? That's harsh.
Over at MATY if you commit too many spelling errors or indulge in l33tspeak they confine you to their version of the Spam section and don't let you post outside of it. Of course, this is MATY we're talking about, so they don't call it the Spam section; they call it "Retardo Land". Seriously.