My old computer only had a.. what's it called.. that red bump in the middle of the keyboard that was the "mouse". I want to call it the "touchpoint", is that right? Anyway, that's how my computer went kaput, although an external mouse worked great. It was just really awkward being a laptop and I don't really have a computer desk. Therefore, I got a new computer (some may remember me sharing that). My new one has both that red bump and a touchpad. I still love it.
Anyway, for what's really ticking me off right now, I'm the head of the cashiering department at my work, and I recently took under my wing a girl who actually works in a different department. But, as Rose from the movie
Titanic puts it, she's in a "very delicate condition", and could no longer handle some of the hard labor and large dogs she had to deal with. So she became a cashier. She's a sweetheart, and one of the best people working there IMHO, so, being in the condition she's in and still learning cashiering techniques, I've become very protective of her.
Yesterday, she was having a bad case of "morning sickness", and many times throughout the day she had to run back to the ladies' room with little to no notice. She felt so bad for it, and constantly apologized for having to leave her register. I kept telling her "Sweetie, don't worry about it! If you need
anything, just ask, it's ok, really!"

I feel for her, I really do. But anyway, during one instance when she had to rush to the restroom, a mad rush of customers came up to be checked out. I knew she was unavailable to help at the moment, so I called someone else to come up and open another register. I don't know if that other person was helping another customer or what, but they took a while to get up there. By this time we could have used a third person to open a register, there were so many people in line. Just as the other person came up, my cashier came running up and said "Sorry, I've got it," and hopped back on her register. Now, I know seeing 10 people in front of you in line to check out is frustrating, even stressful. But what ticked me off to the max was overhearing the next guy in line rush over to her and say "Where were you three minutes ago? This is unacceptable! You need to stay at your register!" I didn't hear her response to it as her back was to me, but she handles herself well so I didn't worry about it too much. But dang!!

For one, mind your own freakin' business you twit! And two, have some patience and compassion for a fellow human being! Especially a soon-to-be-mommy who's suffering right now!!!
Another thing that's not so bad, but irritates me since I feel so protective of her is when, at hearing of her condition, people sneer at her, and you just
know they're thinking "Oh, so you're one of
those girls." I haven't heard anyone say anything out loud, but you can just tell by the way they look at her. She's just barely starting to show, and she doesn't actually tell a lot of people. And when she does, most appear happy for her. But there's been two or three whom I've seen look at her this way.

I just want to smack that thought right out of their heads! One, she's not one of those irresponsible kids who doesn't think or even care about consequences. She's over 20, and knows what she's doing. And two, SHE'S MARRIED!! They have no business even thinking mean things about her when she chooses to share her exciting news.