Originally Posted by Cassini90125
The type of music doesn't matter; the fact that it's being forced on me is what fracks me off. Whether it's the unpleasant-sounding rubbish they favor or the best of the Rolling Stones makes no difference; I want it stopped, period. 
Which, I guess, is part of my problem with my brother specifically...he's happy to sneer at other people's tastes in music, but he's never had any qualms with forcing them to listen to all that indie and alternative stuff which he favours, regardless of whether they actually care for it or not. I might feel a little less resentful toward indie music in general if I hadn’t been subjected to that rather irritating double standard so many times (though I doubt that it would really be my thing either way). Since I am not obnoxious or overbearing (I believe) in my own personal tastes (and since I usually listen to them via headphones anyway, so I'm the only one who hears it), I reckon I should be allowed to enjoy them without coming under fire.
Anyways, thank you for answering my question, koosie. For the record, Oasis
was one of the bands which he used to routinely compare my music unfavourably to. I don’t know if he still likes them, though. I think that you hit the nail on the head with that whole rebel thing. I'm certainly not suggesting that the music in itself has no merit, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was this notion that they're being rebellious and rejecting the mainstream which enables certain fans of indie music to behave so smugly about it. Isn't it more rebellious just to be true to the music that you like, regardless of what anyone else might think? In some cases, that may well be contemporary indie rock music, but in my case...generally, no.