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Old 11-11-2008, 09:20 AM   #1683
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It was just imagination  
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Oh I sympathise but it's really got nothing to do with the relative worth of the music in question, has it? Surely that's just context. If whatever music your neighbours plays was the music that gently accompanies the magic love-pixies who live under the floorboards and left presents for you every morning, you might come to like it a bit. As it is, it is the soundtrack to scumbags and will sound to you much worse than I could probably imagine.

I expect if Frank Glazer was playing Gnossienne No.1 by Erik Satie in my bedroom at 4.00AM in the morning I'd probably tell him to shut that bloody racket up despite the fact it's a deeply beautiful peice of music. I'd also ask how he got the piano up the stairs.


Last edited by koosie; 11-11-2008 at 09:21 AM.
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