Originally Posted by antgirl1
Normally, at the beginning, at least, you could pretty much predict his actions and emotions from common situations, which were pre-GWH, but since then, we have come to notice that he has become more spontaneous. That's right, folks - get ready to meet the REAL Wilt! Not the one who was as narrowed down and predictable as a leaf falling off the tree in Fall, but the one that's been hidden for...one, two, three...thirty years!
Or, we've already met the real Wilt...perhaps...
Maybe it's only the beginning. Maybe there's so much more to him that we do not know about quite yet.
Only time will tell...*shifty eyes...*
That's what I love about this show-it has genuine character development that is so consistent with REAL life people and situations. The characters are not "static" or fixed within a set of behavioral expectations. Wilt is a prime example, since as you pointed out, it's no longer easy to predict how he will react in a given situation anymore. That is exactly what can be expected of someone who has been through a period of deep emotional trauma, been burdened by personal guilt, and has been repressing their real feelings, but has now finally been able to shake off that guilt and allow their real self to shine through once more. I believe that what we got a taste of in the beginning of Season Six, and the end of Season Five, was more like the Wilt that Jordan and his family would have known "back in the day", before the incident with Foul Larry, a Wilt who was free of angst and guilt and has a mischievous, even "devilish" side. Who, in the second or third season, for example, would have EVER figured that Wilt would have been responsible for masterminding the pranks on Bloo and his two dimwitted cohorts in "Pranks For Nothing", or that he'd try to scare the living daylights out of little kiddies by actually making use of the tragic loss of his arm? I only hope we get to see a lot more of Wilt's other personality facets before the show ends.