Thread: Ivan
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Old 11-09-2008, 11:41 AM   #27
Baja Blast my Beloved
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I feel the more "complex" imaginary friends would have more time spent on actually making their physical form, (Coco, for example, looks NOTHING but complex) while the more simpler ones, were a thought that just became real. The "instinct" ones could explain why so many of the imaginary friends resembled their creators so much - they may be, regardless of gender, their "alter ego" coming to life.

For Stevie, (if he created Ivan) he probably thought "a seeing eye friend", and pop, Ivan the....25-eyed? imaginary was brought into existance. But of course, having 25 or so eyes, who can just stop there? Maybe have better senses altogether to, to sense danger or have a "spider sense" or something, with better vision than a human's...the list can go one forever.
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