Originally Posted by Sparky
Do we even know Stevie created Ivan? I can't remember if it was said in the ep. If he didn't, do we know that Ivan was actually created to be a seeing-eye friend? Maybe there's a place out there that adopts friends that they think would work as different "service friends" and trains them, then adopts them out to people who need them. Or maybe Stevie's mom just adopted/otherwise obtained Ivan, thinking "oh he has lots of eyes he can be Stevie's seeing-eye-friend".
Sorry, I can't remember if the question of if Stevie is Ivan's creator has come up before, so I apologise if it has and I'm repeating something already said.
If Stevie was born blind (and I don't recall there being any confirmation that he was, so this is purely a hypothesis) then I can picture there being a little difficulty in the possibility of his having created Ivan...ie: if he had always been blind, then how would he know what all of Ivan's visual features (eyes, colour et al) should actually look like? Of course, a blind child would still have as much capacity to create an imaginary friend as a seeing child, but I am curious to know how this actually works within the realm of Foster's, in which imaginary friends become fixed and real as their creators envision them. In a blind child's case, it would presumably have to draw upon sensory information other than sight...in which case, does the "creation process" fill in all the remaining gaps by itself? Is this the case with all imaginary friends? Do the creators have to imagine every single physical detail down to a tee before anything can happen? I'm probably overthinking this, but it's an interesting thought nonetheless.