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Old 10-31-2008, 05:59 PM   #16
Lady of Brightwood
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Talking The Tale of the Bumble Bee and the Lady Bug

There once was a little bumble bee who was being held captive by a lady bug. He use to be a happy little bumble bee, but not after coming under the lady bug's control.

Being held captive made him very sad. For the lady bug liked to hold him against his will, and thought it was funny because he was cute.

"Muah Hahahahahahaaa!!! What a cute little bumble bee!" This irritated the poor little bumble bee even more.

"Why am I being persecuted so? Why won't someone come and rescue me?" he would ask.

Then along came a little ballerina!

The little ballerina knew what it was like to be held captive, so she felt bad for the little bumble bee. She knew how humiliating it was.

So the little ballerina decided she'd try to help the poor little bumble bee escape. She gave the lady bug a scowl look.

"You will let the bumble bee go right now, or I shall squash you!" she said.
But the lady bug giggled at her cuteness, and tried to capture her too. The little ballerina called for help, and her cries were heard by a jack-o-lantern.

"Let the bumble bee go!" the Jack-o-lantern ordered in all it's glowy-ness. The lady bug was mesmorized by the pretty colors, so let the bumble bee go. And the little ballerina and the bumble bee were happy.

While the jack-o-lantern stayed behind to make sure the lady bug wouldn't hold anything else captive ever again. And all was well with the world.

The End.
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