Well actually it's like that case with most shows, most shows that don't go on for 100 years or so (Simpsons). Simpsons in the beginning had much shottier animation and Homer and Bart sounded very different when the show first started out. Plus, it wasn't NEARLY as funny.
Ben 10 is another good example. The show started with some poor dialouge and cliche set ups, and occasionally the really cool episode or fight scene. Their new season is WAY better. The fights are improved, the story is much more detailed and complex, and they brought back plenty of characters from season 1.
Some shows handle characters very weirdly, "Batman Beyond" actually kills off more then half of their villains in the same episode they appear in. And any that do come back, rarely survive long enough to make it for a 3rd appearance. First seasons are usually rough starts because your just starting out.
I noticed this in Foster's. Alot of the jokes and set ups weren't that clever, but as the show went on we saw more complex ideas and amusing situations. And I think Bloo evolved the most out of the cast, "House of Bloo's" he was half nice and half smart ass. Now he's on smart ass mode like 24/7.
Which is fine AND funny, but if you watch the show from the beginning to now, you can see the difference and change in attitude and voice work.