Thread: Favorite Season
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Old 10-08-2006, 05:46 AM   #21
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I can't say wich season is my favorite because I don't know what each season is comprised of. Telatoon airs the episodes in a very random and chaotic order. Out of nowhere they'll play a season four episode amongst the dozen that they play too frecuantly. It's not healthy for the show to have to see Cukoo for coco cards five times and luck out with a challange of the super friends. It causes the jokes and gags to get stale. So I just pass on episodes I've seen already.
I'm trying to find a list of the seasons and the episodes that make them up, but I'm not haveing any luck. I really want to know what I'll be getting in the season one dvd set (recently announced for a February release! ). I was hopeing Mac Daddy, Berry Scarey and Crime After Crime were in it, but I've heard otherwise. I'd appreceate it if someone could tell me all the episodes that make up season one.
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