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Old 10-16-2008, 05:05 PM   #40
Lady of Brightwood
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Location: The Emerald City, in the Evergreen State, where everything is GREEN
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Tuesday night I had to work the overnight shift to help with inventory, and one of the plus sides (along with a relaxed atmosphere, no customers, and a lot of yummy food to snack on all night) was that we could wear whatever we wanted. Some even showed up in their pajamas. Me though, I wore sweat pants and my Deo shirt, with a fleece cardigan over it (I kept the cardigan open in the front). I got a total of three compliments on my Deo shirt throughout the night. First was by a new girl whom I had the pleasure to train a few weeks ago and would say I'm pretty good friends with now. She said "Aww, I love your shirt, that's so cute!" She didn't even know it was a show, she just thought it was cute that a stick of deodorant had eyes and two blue arms. I explained to her about the show, sadly she doesn't have cable so she doesn't expect to see it any time soon (pshh, not that CN's been airing it lately, but anyway).

Second compliment was by a college age guy, who is also good friends with me because we both like cartoons. He saw my shirt and asked "Is that from that cartoon you like about the friendly monsters?" I told him that they're imaginary friends, and he said "Oh yeah that's right, I remember seeing it with my younger brother once. It was funny!" And for the record, he was wearing a Pokemon shirt and basketball shorts, which he admitted he sleeps in so he was one of the people who wore their pajamas.

Third, well, maybe it wasn't so much a compliment, but it was from my boss. She looked at it and asked "What's that suppose to be?" She knows I love cartoons and I said it was from my favorite cartoon. She still gave me a strange look, and I went on to explain that the little character on my shirt was dressed as a deodorant stick because he was the spokesperson/mascot for the deodorant ads in one episode. And she said "Ah, ok," and laughed at my weirdness. I got back at her later though when she admitted she doesn't like chocolate, I told her she was weird. Then she said "Yeah. I don't like ice cream either." And I said "Ok, now you're really weird!" Eh, it was such a relaxed atmosphere and we were all having fun I could get away with that (inventory is fun really! At least it is at my place). But anyway, it was a great night, and I loved being a walking billboard for my favorite show.
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