Originally Posted by Invader Bloo
Wilt didn't have any funny lines in "President" just so you know.
I take it you're not of voting age yet, right? So you haven't had to experience all the rules than accompany excersising your right to cast a vote. Wilt's lines about the rules of voting, and getting to receive that little sticker that says, "I Voted", were pretty darn funny to anyone who's actually experienced this, first-hand. I guess that there are a lot of Wilt's lines that many people don't get, since Wilt has this very subtle form of sarcasm that will go right over many people's heads(OOPS! Sorry...didn't mean to put it that way! That was NOT a "tall person" joke), like in "The Big Picture" when he responds to Mr. Herriman's statement that having him stand in a chair would only make less of him visable in the annual photograph, when Wilt actually meant that he could SIT in a chair! Wilt has just learned that there is no point trying to reason with some people, but he can't resist taking that little sneaky verbal shot at them, just the same!