Thread: CG's Art Thread
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Old 10-05-2008, 02:17 AM   #129
Settling In
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 86

I demand a new rule: if it's a pairing or could be considered 'offensive' in any other way to some, one should be allowed to post a link, and add a warning, like this:

WARNING: Fairly innocent Eduardo/Wilt hug (oh, and a Mary-Sue), though could be considered as slash by some dirty minds.

Anyone who goes 'omg but eet ees teh ghey so it should disappear' should get their minds checked. No offence, but homosexuality just so happens to be normal nowadays. And if someone draws a homosexual pairing and wants to share it, they should be allowed to at least post the link like I did, above!

Any replies to my 'rant' should be posted through a PM to me, so we won't clutter CG's fanart topic. Kthxbye.
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